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Are you injecting the antibotics? Just treated my coastal for RI and she has come out tops. Yeh rep consults seem pretty reasonable, took her back for a final check today and only $27 :D, original was $88 I think. Also had her on twice daily nebuliser!
Coastals RI was due to heating malfunction in winter and a lack of condition from former owner. Do you know what caused yours?
the vet is giving her the injections every 2 days for how ever long, because I'm pretty new to snakes and was a little unsure about giving her needles. but he's not charging me for the extra effort he's going to. not really sure about what caused it maybe she wasn't warm enough. we have a heat mat that turns on for 20 minutes than turns off for 10, so that may have been the cause.
On the weekend I noticed that she was worse so I told the vet today and he kept her in, he said that he would ring the people at australia zoo and see if they know what else he can do for her.
The vet had a look in her mouth this morning and there was all this pus looking stuff. so he tool swobs and has sent it off the local hosipital to find out what drugs will have affects on it. at the moment she is in a oxygen tank, with antibatiocs being but into the air. the vet is being great he is trying his best and all I have to do is pay for the drugs everything else is free.

the stuff is coming up from her lungs
I'm talking to myseld but who cares!!! she is improving!!! the vet has kept her in the oxgyon tank, with the really strong human drugs and she has improve alot, we went to see her this morning and the vet brought her out and she was griping a lot better and he asked us to bring in some mice for her. I rang this afternoon and the lady said everybody is watching her because she is just about to start eatting the mouse!!! I take it this is a good sign?
very good sign, she'll be back in your hands in no time. great improvement if she is eating
Great to hear that she's doing better, and I'm glad theres yet another responsible owner out there who loves their animal! Good on you, hopefully you'll have her home soon :)
That's excellent news. And it sounds like your vet was on the ball as well.
Sounds like you have a very caring vet there. Perhaps now look for the cause. It is usually tempertaure being too cold.
Yup we think it was the temperture and and maybe the bedding.(back to nature)
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