Not so new Member
I know you're set on a Jungle, but I really do suggest that you consider an Antaresia. Yes, you might be lucky and never have an issue with it getting snappy, but if it does end up n being a snappy snake, all you'll hear is "I told you so, snakes are mean." Getting a more placid species to start with really will help to calm the nerves. Antaresia are amazingly docile.
Good luck!
I am not concerned about them being snappy. I have a bit of experience with animals and I've been scratched, bitten, stepped on, kicked, headbutted, pecked and jumped on.
These things happen. And my partner is not concerned about being bitten when handling, as he has no intention of handling or having anything to do with it. His concern is that snakes have some kind of malevolent sentience and that their primary motivation in life is to escape and bite people. I'm hoping that once he sees that a they are generally more interested in chilling and basking than eating his toes in his sleep he will get over it.
Perhaps you tell us why you like the jungle python and We can help with something similiar? assuming its the black and gold colouring, majority of all jungles are not like this
I really couldn't tell you what draws me to the jungle carpets. Yes the black and gold jungles are beautiful but it's all jungles really. I think maybe a jungle was the first python I saw that made me think, "wow, I want a snake". But I can't tell you any more than I just have a vague but very strong feeling that I should get a jungle.
Probably not the answer you were expecting... Not really an answer at all to be honest.
tbh i dont like how jungles look lol. so sad that jags have neuro issues tho they are so beautiful
Yeah, I agree... I noped out of that pretty quick. So beautiful but snakes with neurological disorders probably shouldn't be my first snake lol
I say get a jungle if you realy want one, their not all snappy. A cross could be another choice unless your a purist i surpose. This boys about 5 years old, about 260cm long and he's about as timid and easy going as you can get. His mum is a rather large coastal jag, and his dad is a beautiful black and gold jungle x View attachment 331886View attachment 331887 diamond. He only seems to show minor signs of neurological disorder in the form of a slight tremor when he is very excited or startled (scared) by some thing. For example, he gets rather excited at feed time and occasionaly will seem to throw his head to one side just about a millisecond before he bites his dinner, and misses completely. He always gets it on the second or third strike though. Apart from that, he behaves just the same as my other two. I will not be letting him breed because of the neuro, but he does make an excellent pet.
Happy hunting.
Thanks for the support @CF Constrictor