Het or not?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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ok i thought i had it but it seems i dont. What makes a het a het? what do i need to know? i was told for something to be 100% het it needed to be albino. im so lost with all this. can anyone please shed some light on this issue

A 100% het is produced by putting albino over normal resulting in all offspring being hets or putting albino over 100% het which will produce 50% albino's and 50% 100% hets,There the ways in which 100% hets will be produced.
ok i think i get it. then whats all this 66% stuff they go on about?
het to a het makes 66% you have a 2/3 chances of getting 100% and 1/3 of getting normals
When a het is crossed with another het:
(Approximately) a clutch consists of-
25% is albino
50% is heterozygous
25% is homozygous (normal)

As hets are undetectable to the eye, 75% of the clutch look homozygous (normal).
So the chance of purchasing a het from a het x het pairing (of the original 75% of the homozygous looking clutch) is 50% (being het) (50% / 75% = 2/3) and 25% (being normal) (25% / 75%= 1/3).

2/3 = 66%.

Thus the chance of purchasing a het is 66%

I hope it helps :p
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hmm. the things i have herd seem to contradict each other. all is making sense about the 100% hets but im lost on this **** about 66%. is 66% in one single animal or are they saying that you have a 66% chance of getting a het from a clutch?
66% chance of getting a het in that clutch...
2 out of 3 are hets..
so does that mean there is only Hets and Not Heats? and just chances of it being a het.
In a het x het mating:

75% of the clutch will look like a normal darwin.

Out of this 2/3 will be het and 1/3 will be normal.

Therefore there is a 66% chance of buying a het.
yeah its either a het or not..
100% het, means its deffinately a het
66% het means theres 2 in 3 chance its a het.. (so really its a het or not) you won't tell to you breed it with another het or albino.
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