Hey Guys Im Getting Ready to buy my first snake, I'd like you help/input

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Sep 21, 2010
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First of all I hope this is the right place to post this, and im sorry if this has been posted a million times before.

I've been wanting a snake for a while now and final got the okay from the parents. I'm wondering what type of snake you guy recommend for a beginner? I'd like a really placid snake that is okay with regular handling. Preferably something under 10 feet. I'd love something around 6 - 8 feet. I have been told carpets are a great choice. Im just looking for some specifics. Also for a enclosure any tips you can give would be appreciated. I keep beardies and have for a while so I'm not completely hopeless.

I just wanna do things right. :)
well bro if u want a good handler get a hatchie/yearling and it will grow up knowing your smell and feel and tame in fairly short order as for types, Murray darlings are widely thought of as one of the best for beginners in the herp world,but its all about what u want if u get them young they tame to a certain extent but u will always get tagged at sometime but thats part of being a herper
i just got my 1st snake a murray darling and after the 1st few days of adjusting she hardly ever even S's up at me was easy to get feeding adjusted fast and relaxed easy but all types have the angry one that loves a bite read the beginner sticky (ignore the silly fighting and read the valid points)beginners thread and this click clack thread click clack thread and these articals by doc roc are awesome DocRoc's python link
Thanks the Murray was actually one I wanted I wasn't sure how friendly it was, I think the size is something that I really like about them too.

thank you so much.
if ya getting a murray darling i recommend kel and julie at Pythons1 thats who i got my Murray darling from, shes got great patterns and color and like i said shes just a joy and i cant believe how easy i got her feeding and relaxed they have great specimens from a deep gene pool and Julie was stunning to deal with :)
Perhaps a Darwin is for you?. I have four.....one is agro & snappy! the other is one is unpredictable but the other two are as quiet as baby ducks.
hey bra if you where looking at building a cage i have almost finished one myself and its cost less that $100 but that is 910 *445*445
but if you want some tips on making one i have plenty but if you get to the actual snake im about where you are lol
Hey Mate welcome and congrats on getting the new pythons
You have a few to pick from really
you could go into the antaresia childreni, family with blonde macs or stimmies etc
Bredli is aslo a great snake..
One of my mates started with a MD and that little fella is what started him...he now has GTPs etc
I started with darwins and they are what started of my full blown addiction lol :)
With buying the right one..you have to find a good breeder etc You will know the one thats right for you when your holding the little fella :)
Best snake for you is the one you really want. Just make sure you do your homework. Know what it needs and have its enclosure set up before you get it, and another important factor which is quite often overlooked is knowing the animal's needs as a full grown adult. Can you accomodate & feed the python when its fully grown? It is so easy to say YES while its just a baby, and they do take quite a few years to grow so you aren't gonna need to buy rabbits and a large enclosure for a while, but planning ahead is really important so the animal doesn't suffer while waiting for better conditions.

My first python was a diamond/coastal intergrade. I still have her and she is my favourite. Doesn't know how to bite, absolute dream of a snake. She is 8 years old now about about 8 and a half foot. She still has a bit of growing left so one of these pythons might be a bit over your size preference.
Go the Murry darling 1 have 4 now and all are great feeders and placid as not one of them has had a go at me unlike those bloody jungles ha
Female Murry-Darling Carpet Python (2).jpgFasinators 002.jpg These are are couple of my guys


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I bought my first snake 2 years ago. He is a Childrens python. They are great for begginers, the htachlings can be a little snappy, but it doesn't hurt, and if you get them about a year old it's OK. Mine has only ever bitten me 3 times, once was because I scared him, accidently, and the other two time was because I had a mouse in my hand and he missed and got my thumb! Don't feed live mice! They can attack the snake. You aren't really gonna find a snake that loves to be handle regularly, all snakes are a bit anti social! They don't mind coming out for about an half an hour a week, to sit in the sun with you, but if you are gonna handle him everyday, then do it for a very short amount of time, so as not to stress him. But it also depends on the snake, you might be lucky enough to find one that loves hanging with you. Carpets can be a bit snappy, more snappy then Childrens. If you want one that is a little more colourful or with more patterns, try the blonde Childrens python, or perhaps a spotted python. As babies Children pythons are really spotty, but as then get older the spots become more dull
hope that helped
id say darwin ,even tho i havnt got one,my friends 6 yr old sister has one and he loves to come out for a hold and he doesnt care if you pat/rub her head, he never bites or anything, but her bro has got a coastal and he puts its head in his mouth(7 foot long python) and he has a jungle too ,nasty little thing always bite you.
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