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Oct 19, 2010
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hi guys i am looking to be a first time career of a pet python.
I'm just awaiting my license to be approved I'm looking for a smaller python as I have a young child in the house. Any recommendations i was thinking a childrens or a spotted more leaning towards spotted. Is 1 more likely to be tammer then the other or is there anything i should know about the breeding if 1 is more likly to be tammer then another.
Also i live in south-west sydney and breeders you could recommed out this way and is it the right time of year to be looking??

thanks guys any help would be appreicated
IMO Any of the Anteresia pythons are great for newbies.As they generally dont get much bigger then the 4-5foot mark.With all the selective breedin etc these days,theres alot of really nice looking ones around,especially the patternless Childreni,Blonde Stimmies and so on...Some snakes are placid,while others they may be snappy..Hatchies-juvenils tend to be snappy compared to older ones,the majority calm down fairly quickly...As regard to the breeding Q,IMO ur better off keeping them for a while b4 you start worrying about breeding..JMI
thanks for the info sorry i might not have made much sense im not looking at breeding them. Im looking for a breeder in my area
Hey tickle, welcome :)

You could have a look through the For sale section on here, and see what is around. It doesn't have to be local, freighting is an option.

man i have a young son and have my 1st snake an inland carpet (or murray darling) from and this animal is calm, easy to feed and maintain also its classed as endangered so u will be helping in someway to keep them going, and its easly the most underrated python (my opinion) in Oz mine hasn't tried to bite me ever nor has she had feeding, heating, lighting or sloughing issues.
cant go wrong with an md, but in all honesty, any snake is good as long as its from good stock and u get it young.
dont get what people say u should get one u like.

my 2c
i have a stimmy and its a dream i let my 2 year old niece pat her and hold her but not for long as i dont want her to squash the snake as she likes to squeeze everything haha but yeah very easy to look after and its only about 80cm long and they are normaly cheap
gday mate my first snake was a spotted and the second was a woma . the woma is a heaps cooler snake with so much personality and away from food is so mellow and seems to love getting out and having a look around. the spotted will come out and have a look around but is pretty keen to get back in the hide . dont get me wrong i still love her she is a brilliant snake , just diffrent personalities. its just want you want in a snake
thanks for that guys i thinking the spotted i would prefere some1 local over frieght as it would be nice to see before i buy. just 1 more question for a spotted python how long before i should move him/her into a proper enclosure i heard about 8 months is this correct.
thats a touchie issue i have found as there are waaaay to many opinions my personal advice is read THESE pieces by doc rock, listen to the guys here who are owners of the type of animal you want also speak to the breeder and make your own judgment with all the info you can get. invest in a few good books for extra info off a qualified expert not just peoples opinions.
i made the newbie mistake of putting mine (an MD)in an enclosure many said would over stress my snake but she freaking loves the extra room and climbing options and the room for a big bowl that she loves a nightly dip in, she sheds, feeds, poops and handles fine so in the end each snake is different.
the key is research, reading and more research.
welcome to your new addiction by the way once u pop your herp cherrie your in for good lol
thanks guys for all your help now il just play the waiting game for some to pop up much apricated
hi finaly found my snake a blode spotted about 8 months old female. All going good so far i let her settle for 5 nights before trying to feed (not sure if this was to early i couldn't wait) but she was very interested and took it only thing was instead of striking quickly she slowly grabbed if off me and returned to her hide before contricting then eating which that part all went well not sure if this is a good thing or not????
I've got my temps controlling really well with a thermostat controlled heat matt. Warm end 31.5c and the cool at 25cish she's still in her small 30cm container. Should it be a bit warmer i thought to keep a little lower until i fully trust the thermostat whilst im not home during the warmer part of the day???

Anyway any more tips would be handy
theres heaps of breeders in sydney including myself i have childreni and woma's in the incubators now otherwise send me a PM and i will help you out with one. are you looking at a hatchling or larger size .

i would go woma if starting all over again great lookn pythons and even better tempermant.
otherwise research each one as much as you can as once you get it u cant really repick it.
oopps sorry didnt read ur new post congrats shes a hottie too !
if ya want any advice just ask
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