How heavy are C.C.P's?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2008
Reaction score
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Hello all,

I am getting a coastal carpet python, but out of curiosity, how much would a fully grown individual weigh? If it weighs to much, I won't be able to handle it, and worse still, it might try to eat me!!

last weighed my 6-7ft female was 3.1kg but prob abit more now as that was in novemeber. but i've heard of 10kg+ coastals but they are pretty old
Shouldnt be a prob, by the time it gets fully grown you would have had afew more years to build up some muscle.
My 2.4m (8ft) boy weighs just over 3.5Kg. Our carpets aren't meant to be a chunky, solid python. Long yes, but slender. I would think 10Kg or more would be a very fat snake.
Coastal Carpets are nooo drama they get quite big but they are gorgeous snakes! nothing to be scared of! even when it gets full size!
iv got 8 full grown adaults smallest ebing 6foot 3.5kg and biggest just under 7kg,they like their food though;)
ive got little 1s[hatchy] and big 1s the big 1s r quiter than the hachys my first 1 bit the guy i bort it off but has only bit me arfter ive been playin with my pet rat cuddles would never eat me LOL
Hey Snakebuster....

I know your only 10.... But are you getting it as a hatchie?? I hope so....

Just a Large Coastal, doesnt weight that much, but their muscles are quite strong... I think you may need assistance from an Adult, or at least 15+ person.....:)

I had an adult coastal carpet, 12ft long and 10.5 kgs.

My friend used to own a burmese, something like 5.6 mts long and weighed 85 or 88 kgs, took five grown up's to lift her off the ground!!!!
a big snake like thats gotta be slow as hell how do the feed??? have to be some serious ambushing going on.
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