How often do you offer food? [Antaresia stimsoni]

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2008
Reaction score
Gold Coast
Hi all,

I just wanted to see how often other keepers offer food to there Antaresia stimsoni

Antaresia stimsoni
Age: 2 and a half years
food item: thawed adult mouse

my Antaresia stimsoni has never feed on a weekly basis, only as a juvi (within the first year) she has just took her first food item after 6 months (due to self cooling)

What would be your recommendation?


she is undersize for her age as she is not the best feeder.
I feed my QLD Stimsons python adults (which are about 3-4 years old) 1 adult mice per week for about 7 months of the year.

If you wanted to try and get some size on your female stimo then 2 adult mice or 1 small rat (if she takes them) weekly for a month or two will do.
My Stimmie is still in "winter mode" and sleeping, but he's 2 1/2 yrs old and I usually feed him once every 2 - 3 weeks and I feed him at least 1 adult mouse, sometimes 2 if he seems hungry. If your girl is undersize, maybe you need to feed her weekly.
I offer her weekly, but she usually only takes it fortnightly. after 6 months she took a mouse, week later i offered again, she didn't take it. so maybe fortnightly is the answer for her... never considered offering her 2 adult mouse though..might be to big of a meal.
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