Everyone has their own methods and this is mine..
I first place my rodent in a tub of hot tap water, check every 5 mins weather it feels defrosted or not, a 10g pinkie will only take around 5 min a 100g rat is gonna take about 20 mins, although time will vary with ambient temperatures. Once defrosted I empty the now cooled water and replace with hot tap water again and leave rodent for 1 min, this way the rodent is now nice and warm, I then remove and place on paper towel to remove excess water, but not drying it completly as a little moisture I find is good for your snake, now I take the rodent by the tail in a pair of tongs, I use a pair of needle nose plyers, I then dangle the rodents head in front of the snakes head, they should strike within seconds although some snakes may take longer, when they strike I pull back and lift the rodent a tad and find they hit it on the head 80% of the time, if they wont strike just leave the rodent in enclosure for the night, if they dont take during the night dispose of the uneaten rodent and try again another day, there are other methods if snake doesnt eat like force feeding but I personally have never had to try these methods, I feed in enclosure and my male is a gem to handle my female is the total opposite but this is probably due to her being new to my collection and not being handled much, so in theory she should grow out of this, if she keeps it up after a month or so I will try the feed in a separate tub idea that people have previously stated, I also like to use a hook when handling. Also dont handle for 2 days after feeding this gives them time to digest their meal, I usually wait till I see them cruising around their enclosure, as they generally go into their hides while digesting. With regards as to the size of feeds I bought a set of scales, I weigh each snake then feed them 20% of their body weight.
As I said at the start this is my method of feeding which works for me, its up to you to find the best way to feed for you.
Good luck,