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Feb 7, 2009
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hi i'm just setting up an enclosure for 2 northern pytons, i can get the temp set, but im having trouble getting the humidity above 34% can someone tell me what im doing wrong

We can't tell you anything without details! What substrate are you using what size is your water bowl what heating device are you using etc. As a quick tip generally speaking if you have a larger waterbowl and put it up the hot end it will evaporate and cause a higher humidity.
the cage is 400x600x500 the temp is 29.9 at hot end ive got a 75 watt ceramic heat lamp water bowl is 150 round and 100mm deep
I'd bump the temps up by a few dergrees and if the water bowl isn't under the heat source move it so as it is!! How far under 34% are you?
Humidity is not essential. You shouldn't really concern yourself with it unless your snake has trouble shedding. It'll just turn into something that you'll need to monitor that won't necessarily benefit your snake.
ty notechistiger, i havent got them yet just tring to set the tank up,guess it will work its self out in time ty
humidity isnt an issue. dont worry about it. if your snake has a problem shedding cause its to dry just move the water bowl under the heat and spray (mist) twice a day with room temperature water
Yeah, that's fine :D I wouldn't worry about it, unless you find the snake has shedding problems, as I said. In that case, you can just add a second water bowl in the heat end for the period that your snake is shedding, then take it out after. I say add a second, because you may find that your snake will avoid drinking the water if it's warm (which is understandable), so it's better to keep one cool as well.
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