I have A Few Questions...

Aussie Pythons & Snakes Forum

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Nov 8, 2010
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So, I'm thinking of getting a snake as a pet :D... This will be my first pet snake, so I'm not sure on a few things. I was wondering if I could ask you guys a few things :D...
Thanks guys!

1) What would be the best breed of snake to get for a first timer?
2) What breed of snake is small, easy to take care of and non-aggressive? [It's not like I'm going to leave the snake without care for ages, or something. I just want to know, so I don't get a snake for the first time, and it turns out it's extremely difficult to care for. >< I'm only new to this...]
3) Would a hatchling or older snake be best?
4) Would it be better to get a male or female?
5) Is it true that female snakes are more aggressive than males?
6) What would be the best food for a snake?
7) Should I have a large cage, with a few hidey-holes and little branches or something, in case I get a breed that can climb? Or should I put branches and stuff in there either way?
10 )When would be the best time to start handling a new snake?
9) If I do get a snake, should I let it out of it's cage for a few hours a day in the sun? If so, when would be the best time to do that? Early in the morning, or late in the afternoon?

Thanks so much guys :D.. I hope my questions aren't too silly or anything ):

Sorry for asking so many questions, as well ><"

OH, and also, I have a few cats. Will they be alright, so long as I make sure my snake can't get out of it's cage, and they can't get in or anything?
Like, if they jump up on the cage while I'm not watching, they won't scare it or anything?
Hey lots of questions
1.Depends on your personal prefrence size,room,money.I would recommend a coastal very placid but they grow large or a stimpson or chirldreni for small
2.1 answer to none of them are aggressive of course every snake is a little biitey untill they settle and get to know you
3.A established hatchy is better you can see it grow and change colour/patterns make sure its feeding properly
4.either sex not important if just buying one
5.I havent either to be more aggro
6.Small rodents prefrebly rats I feed mine chicks sometimes
7.small click clack is best for hatchies them as they grow use larger tub/encloser with branches
9.Good for reptiles to get a few hours sun a week helps with colour and over rall health.Snakes are often asleep in the morning afternoon would be better just make sure doesnt overheat
10.About a week oe so after you bring him,her home so it settles in nd doesnt get to nervous
click on this link
Main Page - Aussie Pythons & Snakes

it will answer a lot of your 'first thought' questions.

Welcome, deciding what species to get is the hard part. It can be little expensive to setup an enclosure but if you get a hatchie it will be happy in a 'click clack' for a few months until you get an enclosure sorted. you weekly running costs wont be worth a great deal for one snake.

I'm new at this too. I just ordered my bredli python yesterday! (soo excited!) One of the members on here sent me this link, it was very helpful.


I chose to get a bredli initially because I love their colouring and markings. After reading more about them and their tendency to be gentle giants I am so convinced that this is the snake for me. So my advice to you is to read read read, look at pictures and then come back and ask these guys on here more questions, they are a wealth of information and I have found this site to be more helpful than any book.

Hope this helps. I'll know in a few weeks if I've made the right choice :)

Good Luck!
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