i just foundmy first s. ciliarus eggs in their tank

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Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2005
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this is the first lot of eggs and i tried to remove them they are not in the nest box but they feel very soft im worried about picking them up in case they break will they harden if i leave them for a bit or do they stay soft.


typo error
They wont break, and of they do they were never going to survive in the first place. Yes they will harden in a few hours if you leave them.
thanks i will leave them for a bit then im already worried as i tried to lift one and now it looks a little out of shape compared to the other egg, not to mention they are so tiny compared to thick tail eggs.
Why not pick them up with a spoon or something? But i suppose it wont hurt to leave them for a little while. And congrats!

thanks i will leave them for a bit then im already worried as i tried to lift one and now it looks a little out of shape compared to the other egg, not to mention they are so tiny compared to thick tail eggs.
thankyou, she has laid them directly on the glass she moved the sand , also im thinking now she only has laid them this morning. I will wait but come 11.30 i have to go out ,so im hoping they might be ok to pick up then. I put new sand in yesterday so it was very moist, as you can tell im pretty excited just hope i didnt wreck one of the eggs.
If they are direct on the glass it will be easiest if you move them now before they stick fast to it, at this early stage it doesn't matter too much if they get rolled around a bit while trying to remove them but the longer you wait the more it matters.
oh ok thanks i didnt realise they could stick to the glass ok i will try the first one felt so squishy when i tried 30min ago.
I've never had to do little gecko eggs but i've found with snake eggs twisting them like a tap works pretty well to get them off quick and easy, or use some dental floss and kind of cut them off from the bottom (but try twisting first). Don't worry about them changing shape, reptile eggs have evolved to be soft and flexible and are meant to change shape, they nearly always go back to their original shape anyway.

oh ok thanks i didnt realise they could stick to the glass ok i will try the first one felt so squishy when i tried 30min ago.
done thankyou both i will use the spoon in future ive been so paranoid in rolling them as i move them.
yeah mate its ok they're 'shell' is like a leather so sometimes they're a little squishy, get 'em in the oven and let 'em cook and they'll be right. Good luck
They will be fine, I move mine as soon as possible, if you lose the orientation just shine a torch under them and you should be able to see a pinkish circle, make sure that's at the top.

Good luck Josh
unlike the thicktail eggs which were super easy to move im sure these have not made it to the incubator in the same position they were laid in but these are my first spiney tail eggs i will definitely know next time what not to do.

thanks everyone for all your help it was much appreciated.
Congrats on the eggs

My southern girl laid some eggs for me today- nice suprise after i got home from work
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