If you could Train your reptile? what would it do?

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Active Member
Aug 2, 2011
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Adelaide, South Australia
If snakes/other reptiles could respond to commands, and you could teach it one task/job, what would it be?

I personally would train a carpet python to hunt the bloody foxes that keep creeping around our chicken coop at night.
lf Reptiles were able to be trained l would toilet train them, so they would know where to go to the toilet when they need to.:)
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Toilet seems to be bast...but mine already have their favourite spot :D they do it in one of their the water bowls which i now keep dry :D saves allot of time.
what do mean 'if' ??? LOL mine 'are' trained. mine are clearly to evolved LOL
If you move your water bowl closer to the heat source most snakes will use it as the toilet

Ours are trained to never bite humans
Has worked for 17 years
I agree they can be trained through conditioning and handling, but as far as this i meant more if you could verbally command them to do a task. like telling a dog to sit or fetch.
Id train it to "S" up and strike at my partner, but only to him and not actually bite him, just for the fun of it, i love watching him squeal like a little girl when my 8ft diamond goes near him
10 Avoid shovel,
20 wrap around shovel ,
30 climb,
40 bite,
50 kill
60 repeat
Right now i would get an adult pair of scrubbies and teach them to attack (use them as 'guard dogs')!

If i could train my beardies i would get them to clean up their own poo or at least to do it all in the one corner and then stay out of it lol.
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