i'm breeding bearded dragons any advise

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Not so new Member
May 24, 2009
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hi am staring to breed breaded dragons i have two females and one male can any advise if i should have two cluches in one incubater and what tempreture should it be at
researching on google would be helpful.. try and get an incubator make sure you have a big enough tank, let your beardies sleep through this winter so they are ready for love making
the tank should be at least 4 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot, not sure on the incubator temps but it should be around 30 my guess, that tank is only big enough for two beardies
30.5 degrees i had my incubator and a 4x2x2 is a good size for breeding them but wen u see the females starting to get fat remove the male and dose ya females with calcium an vitains i had 12 hr day night cycle at 35 basking spot an 25 cool end for the spring an summer an dropped it to 9 hr light 15 dark wit 2 hrs basking at 28 but after it cut off tank kept at 10-15 happy breeding !!!!!!!
i have two beardies they are fully grown they are in a 4 and i've got a smaller one i a 3 foot tank and when my little one gets biger i plan on moving her with them
How many chicken eggs does the incubator hold? And if it's one that rotates, make sure u turn that option OFF or you'll kill the babies inside. Also, most healthy, fully grown females will lay from 25 - 30 eggs/clutch, and 3 clutches (that's with one mating, therefore it's advised to put the male in a seperate tank after one wk with the ladies - also he can exhaust them). They lay approx. every 3 wks, so u will need room for the first 2 clutches at least in your incubator. Hatch rate dependant on temps is from 7wks -9wks. Most keep their temps around 28C, I keep mine around the 30 - 33C, 24/7. You'll also need to buy vermiculite or something to sit the eggs in.
How old are your beardies? Should be around the 2 yr mark preferably. Get the females on to calcium sups as soon as they wake up - they eat a lot more when gravid, so you need to be able to accommodate that. The babies need to be housed, so u also need to be prepared for up to approx. 180 babies if u have 2 females, recommended no more than 10 babies in together, with the same requirements as adults re heat & UV. Each baby can eat anywhere from 30 - 70 baby woodies/crickets per day, so also add this into the equation, & are best fed 2-3 times/day.
If you can cope with the above, happy breeding!:)
thank you i would also want to know when it is a good time to breed and if they are not alwayss breeding will the stop completly dose any one know were you get cockaroch breeders from amd were do you buy calcium sups from the three of mine are two are 4 and one is 1 also when can you sell the babies
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