import/export permit

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Not so new Member
Jan 10, 2009
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Tweed heads
Hey everyone im getting a snake from a guy in qld im in nsw and ive got all his details for the import permit but he doesnt have an interstate import/export permit or movement number because he has the new qld electronic movement advices what do i put in
Plz help
Best regards jaryd :)
Maybe you should check with the breeder as I am sure he will give you the correct info .....
Dickynee he said to put down either TBC or Electronic but just seeing peoples opinions
In Qld we dont have import and export permits when exporting to another state. We are only required to do a movement notice which the seller can do a paper based one which cost them $2.95 then u have a movement notice number which they can supply u so u can complete ur import permit application.
A form is to advise people, who are responsible for making a decision, about making that decision. If in doubt always ask these people about the process and what information is required by them to make that decision. Knowledge of this will inform your decision about how to help them with their decision what will guide the process they need to make a decision about.
In Qld we dont have import and export permits when exporting to another state. We are only required to do a movement notice which the seller can do a paper based one which cost them $2.95 then u have a movement notice number which they can supply u so u can complete ur import permit application.

Yeah I agree, you only had one imported this week didnt you and it seemed pretty straight forward to me :D:D:D
Jazz, in QLD we have two options with regards tio movement advices for import and export.
One is the old paper system in which we could give you that number straight away as we already had the permit in our possession.
Number two is that we fill out a movemnt advice online for free. The downside of this latter option is that the import/export number that is produced is based on the time and date that we process it. We then have only 14 days from that date to use the permit. The pathethically slow service in NSW means that it is highly likely that our QLD permit will expire before the NSW permit is issued, meaning that QLD movement advice number is now invalid . Can you see the problem we face and why we can't supply that number any more unless the guys at your end improve their game.
Just put TBA.
When you get the import permit back they send you a return form where you write the QLD movement number as well as what date you received them etc. then send it back to DECC.
What more do you need to know, you have been told twice now how it works here????????????

Geeze man u dont have to read the thread im getting everyones opinion ok man settle down y do u care if its up
it doesnt affect u
Geeze man u dont have to read the thread im getting everyones opinion ok man settle down y do u care if its up
it doesnt affect u

When you are given the right advice by half a dozen people and the breeder , then you just keep asking , it looks like you are disregarding the opinions all ready given ....

You HAVE been given the right advice , take it ......:D
ok well im srry its just im really excited and stressed about getting my first snake and then this happens but i will just have to deal with it

Thanks for the advice<><><><><>:D
BTW I wasnt having a go at you I was basically asking if there was anything else, sorry if it came out the wrong way... also when it comes to licencing there is only ONE way as they rules cannot be changed.
I know its exciting getting new snakes which can lead to stress LOL its happened to me, hope everything goes well :)
Last year my brother took 2 Darwin hatchies l had given him back to NSW . He had done an import but l hadnt done an export till after he left . As they couldnt issue it retrospectivly they let it slide . The point l am making is while they have all these strict rules , they are there to stop people doing the wrong thing . lf you are trying to do it right they will allow a bit of lattitude such as waiting for the number to come through . Just put your end through without it .
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