Injured Jaw

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2010
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I was feeding my snakes this afternoon and one seems to have hurt her jaw during the feed. At first I thought she just hadn't "yawned" her jaw back into place but on closer inspection it looks as though the very tip (2mm or so) of her lower mandible is turned up into her mouth on one side. I suspect she must have struck the side of her container while I was feeding all the others. Anybody else ever had this problem, if so, how did it heal up? She fed fine, and doesn't seem to be in any pain. She is a jungle carpet and is about a year old, though this is most likely irrelevant. And don't ask for photos, she is a typical jungle and I had enough trouble getting her into a chokehold the first time ;) (this is a joke, just to clarify, i know people on this forum will character assasinate if you don't clarify everything)
hey my jungle had this problem a few months ago i was told when they feed they can dislocate there jaw without it going back to normal i left mine for 2 days and watched it to make sure infection didnt start but it was better by day 2.
keep an eye on it, make sure it dosent get infected (put her on news papper if you havent already) and very gently feel to see if the jaw is still firm, if it feels looser than normal or the opiset side she may have broken it.
i am dealing with a diamond that has done this, the bone seams to have heald now, she just needed a brace (bent out papper clip) afixed to the outer, under side of the jaw. she still fed as per normal with the brace on, its been attached for about 3 months and she is due for her follow up x-ray at the end of december to see if it has healed properly.

but yeah, if your jungles mouth is still lop sided in a few days make sure the jaw still feels normal (be very gentle when doing this as you can potentinaly do more harm) and if it feels loose or displaced get a vet to check her out.
Alright. Thanks for the help guys :). Will keep an eye on her. I think she's fine, just checking what others have done with this problem. The reason i suspected it might be broken was because it was only the tip that seems out of place, not the entire lower right jaw.
yep thats the best thing to do, keep an eye on her, but dont stress her too much buy handeling her, if it dosent go back to normal after her next feed or in a few days (say a week or so) then try to get a better look
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