Is my Diamond Python set up ok? 😰

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Dec 16, 2021
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Hey guys and gals,

So I have a diamond python called Snoot whom I love very much. Snoot is about 1yr and 8 mths old.

I’ve learnt recently that Snoot is quite small for his/her age and that Snoot is underweight so I’ve started feeding him bigger mice, (Wheener mice) which Snoot gobbles down pretty easily even though they are a little wider than Snoots body, once a week.

The guy from the reptile store thinks maybe the temp is too high, causing Snoot to digest too quickly.
Snoot has never had any issues with feeding or shedding or pooping and seems happy, except for being underweight :(

I’ve attached some photos. Please feel free to give me any advice or share any of your thoughts.

Its because of this that I’ve started doubting myself and thought it’d be best to check in on this forum as I’ve learnt a lot off of everyone here.

In photo 1, 2, 3 and 4 you can see Snoot about 5 hours after a feed. Has a little bit of a bludge in the belly but is still very curious when I walk near the enclosure, moving up to the glass almost as if Snoot is looking for more meals.

In photo 5 you can see Snoot’s set up. The lights usually stay on from 7am to about 4pm and then for the late arvo night the house temp is about 18 - 22C so I turn the lights off. The guy from the reptile store thinks maybe the temp is too high, causing Snoot to digest too quickly.
Snoot has never had any issues with feeding or shedding or pooping and seems happy, except for being underweight :(

I’ve attached some photos. Please feel free to give me any advice or share any of your thoughts.

That setup looks perfect for a diamond, you've smacked down the care perfectly, just fat him up a little and he'll be perfect :)
For that age & size it should be on much gigger than weaners
My diamond the same age is already on medium to large rats depending on their size
For that age & size it should be on much gigger than weaners
My diamond the same age is already on medium to large rats depending on their size
Yeah that’s what I’ve been told. They said to give him a mouse that’s just over 1x his size once a week until he gets a bit bigger. How long did it take your one to move up food sizes?
I have a jungle about the same size and he's on weaner rats, they leave a nice bulge in his belly. At the moment he's taking one about every 10 days
Weaner mice are way to small. It should be on at least weaner rats or extra large mice. It could probably handle a small rat. Food size should be approximately 1.5x the widest part of it's body. I have a 12 month old Childrens python that I will be moving up to small mice after the current food (weaner mice) runs out. Hope this helps a bit.
I suspect you are feeding Weaner Rats not mice given the tummy bulge, weaner mices shouldn't leave such a bulge. As long as you feed him food that leaves a bulge in his tummy you are fine feeding correctly. I would invest in some foliage for the enclosure, they like hiding behind it and it will make him feel more like he is in his normal climate.
Hi, Snoot needs weaner rats not mice, and diamonds don't need same temps as carpets, in summer my Spot has no heating as ambient temps of 25c to 27c is fine and winter I'll set heater at 26/27c. Diamond r world's most southern python species. As for Snoot nipping and constricting this is not aggression but mistaking ur hand for food hence the constricting

My Spot20220221_134946.jpg
For that age & size it should be on much gigger than weaners
My diamond the same age is already on medium to large rats depending on their size
Agreed. Snoot needs bigger feed. I would try to get him eating rats. At least velvet. Even bigger. You would be surprised how big they can take.
If you have trouble changing him to rats, try chopping up a mouse and using it to scent the rat. Rub that yuck all over it.
Rats are higher in fat and other goodies that will upsize him nicely.
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