Issue with Buyer, Injured Snake

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Very Well-Known Member
May 16, 2007
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Gladstone, QLD
Well long story short - a few weeks ago I sold a young Coastal Carpet to a man nearby who drove down to pick her up. Everything went well, it was for his young kids and they were really enthusiastic which was nice to see! I got a message a few days later that they had lost the snake, and that he was interested in getting another as the kids were a bit upset. So we organised another night for him to drive down and pick up - same deal, everything went well.

However now i've received another message that the snake is injured, and was sent a photo aswell, and there is a big 'flat' area just behind the neck. My immediate thoughts was that something had fallen on her, or she'd somehow been jammed or crushed by something. I was assured that nothing of the sort had happened to her though and there was nothing in her enclosure that could have fallen.

This is a bit upsetting for me as I DO care about what happens to my hatchies when they leave me, and because I get the feeling this man thinks it was something i've done. I would never, ever, sell a sick or injured snake, period - I look at them everyday, and give them a good checkover before I send them off.

My question is, is there any sort of genetic anomaly that could have sprung up in a week? I just find it hard believe nothing happened to her, as she is 2 months old and has been absolutely fine before she left my hands.

Is the buyer entitled to a refund? I'm at a loss at what I should do - my advice to him was to get her to a vet asap though, because is she is in pain i'd rather her be put to sleep than suffer.
Could it have been a handling accident on the children's behalf? Maybe they were overly enthusiastic...
That's really sad :(
I'm going to assume, perhaps harshly, if they lost the first one, the second one probably wasn't set up right housing wise...and how old are the kids? Could they have squeezed it/dropped it etc?
Between the first and second snake was only a matter of two weeks or so.

I thought the same thing about the kids, he had a few, all probably between 8 - 12 years old. I asked him whether perhaps they had handled her by themselves when he wasn't around or something of the sort but again he assured me nothing had happened like that either.

I gave them a full rundown of basic care, and told them not to handle her for a week because of the shift of home, but by the messages I was getting they were handling her WAY to much.
I know it's still a horrible situation Vixen, and you'll still of course be upset, but don't blame yourself.
Sounds like the kids got up to mischief and its easier and potentially cheeper to just blame you.
ok.... this is horrible. and yes i agree dont blame yourself. although i do have just a few questions...

1. how did the first poor thing pass away?
2. why did you decide to sell to the man again after such a short period of time on the passing. (not meant to sound negative at all :D)
3. if the first snake did die from in experience (most likely) was the man given so more information, maybe even a view of his enclosure etc?

maybe even ask him now to send you a picture of that enclosure :) and that way you can decide for yourself.

that poor little hatchie, can you imagine just getting a new home and being carried and squeezed, i work with kids, i know what they are like, definitely sounds like the kids, but hey anything is possible.
I thought hatchies should be around 3 months old before being moved on?
If I sold a snake to someone who lost the first I would question their ability for a second.
Does the buyer really think you are not going to question husbandry after this?
Has the second one been taken to a vet?

Bloody hell poor snakes, rubbish behaviour all round.
Yes, the first one had escaped apparently, it got out after the timber lid warped or something because of the wet weather. I felt bad for them so didn't really hesitate to sell another, I figured the second time they would get a plastic click clack like I recommended.
From the description of the injury I would say that one of the kids has had the lid open and dropped it suddenly to possibly stop the snake escaping.
Darlyn, she was a bit over two months, but had plenty of feeds under her belt, shedding well etc, she was definitely ready for a new home.

I guess I just gave them the benefit of the doubt with the second animal, I felt bad for the kids about losing the first one. :(
If they are keeping it, it needs to go to the vet, if it was me I would take it back and refund their money, to stupid to own a snake.
I hope it gets to a vet, if only to be put down if needed, she would obviously be in immense pain.

Thats the problem though, I'm rather tight on money at the moment so need to save all the pennies I can. I just don't feel they have a right to a refund when I know she left my hands perfectly healthy and happy.

I am however prepared to take her back and get her to a vet MYSELF if he won't.
I would just say sorry, tell them again about the vet then leave it there.

I also wouldn't sell them another, for all you know they killed the first one and don't want to admit it.

Not saying that happened but if it left you healthy then has obvious injuries it'd there fault and not yours, I just feel sorry for the snake
I don't think I could leave it there. Have you seen a picture of its injury?
They definitely aren't entitled to a refund, and it is 100% their responsibility to get it vet treatment. What you described is a physical injury, it is not a defect or anything you can be held accountable for. 1st one escapes, 2nd one is badly injured.. I'd suggest to them to try a pet rock instead and leave it at that.

Don't put yourself in a hard spot due to money because of someone elses incompetence.
How awful :(

Definitely not entitled to a refund IMO.

I have to agree, whilst I hate to point the finger, sounds pretty obvious the kids played a part in this,. surely not on purpose but sounds like they could have accidentally trodden on her ?

I dont understand why they would be asking for a refund, it is not as if the snake is unwell or unhealthy,. it has an injury There is a big difference!

Hope they do the right thing & take her to the vet :(
They're not entitled to a refund until the vet has check her out and deemed it genetic or sickly previously. Can you upload the photo? Perhaps something has fallen on her and she's gone flat like they tend to do and they panicked?
every one seems to hate pointing the finger i love it. Its bloody fathers falt for not making shaw the snake was safe ring his neck and no bloody refund. They used up there good will on the secon snake.
I'm sorry to say- but damn some people are morons.
Really ****** me off.

My husbandry is far from perfect, but still, I don't see how someone
Could be so obviously neglectful. The guy sounds as though he's
Making up excuses to me.
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