Issue with Buyer, Injured Snake

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My partner just emailed me the photo from the iphone so I could upload it, here you go. Poor little darling. =( God know why the enclosure is so messy, they didnt even have her for a week. :(


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Vixen that is horrible. That poor little snake needs vet attention straight away! An injury like that is sustained by force...not any kind of sickness or certainly looks like it has been squashed under something...

my heart goes out to you :(
My partner just emailed me the photo from the iphone so I could upload it, here you go. Poor little darling. =( God know why the enclosure is so messy, they didnt even have her for a week. :(

What the hell have they got dirt in there for lol.. And if that is the injury, and not a feed going down, it looks pretty bad broken ribs maybe?
I am betting on multiple broken ribs and possibly even a spinal fracture, they described it as a 'hinge' like effect =(
Injured snake in what looks to be an enclosure in only partial completion? Yeah they've clearly got no clue how to care for the snake. And I absolutely agree with other peoples' comments on NO refund. That's damage caused almost certainly by something landing on it. I really hope the other snake did escape and disappeared. It has a better chance of survival on its own imo. Such a horrible story, and yet it's not uncommon at all. Try to stay positive, because it's people like this that make you appreciate the good buyers so much more. None of it was your fault and you breed gorgeous, healthy animals. /hug
I am betting on multiple broken ribs and possibly even a spinal fracture, they described it as a 'hinge' like effect =(

Well i'm not a betting man, but i'm willing to bet if they have dirt in there they probably also had a rock or such. A rock that is capable of falling over and crushing the snake and causing the injuries.
I was already leaning to a suggestion made earlier but after seeing it and cringing, my bet is they closed the lid on the little one to stop it making a quick escape. I would be cross but not feel guilty. No refund and certainly no third snake!
Brutal. No refund and definitely no third animal!! Hard to tell from here but if that isn't a rat going down, then that snake has been crushed.
If he doesn't want to take it to the vet, or give it back to me, should I suggest that he just knock it on the head? I doubt it could recover from this, especially if there is a spinal injury and up so high on the neck - it wouldn't be able to eat etc.
say to him to take it to the vet or give it back to you, or you will report him. Might change his mind about it. Poor thing
If he doesn't want to take it to the vet, or give it back to me, should I suggest that he just knock it on the head? I doubt it could recover from this, especially if there is a spinal injury and up so high on the neck - it wouldn't be able to eat etc.

No Vixen, do not suggest that.
If he does not want to take it to the vet or give it back to you then obviously his best interests does not include the well being of the snake.
Suggest the hitting over the head to euth it may be another weapon in his arsenal for demanding another.

I know it hurts but the advice and options you have given him are more than common sense about the wellfare of the animal.

For your compassion and how you have handled this has gained a great deal of respect from me to yourself.


Damn, Vixen, how horrible. I'm hoping to breed snakes in future and it's this kind of thing that makes me reconsider. Some people treat animals like objects. Such a beautiful snake, it makes me want to cry.

You've done nothing wrong. In fact, it sounds like you've been more than fair. Don't let them take advantage of you. If you're worried that the guy is going to tell porkies about you, keep records and pictures. If anyone asks, you'll have proof of what really happened.
That's freaking awful.. What the hell are they keeping the snake in? It looks like a putrid fish tank.
I'm no breeder, but I can see the benefit in sussing people out before selling (my mum has always done this when selling dogs).

Even if the kids lied and claimed they did no wrong, the father is an absolute idiot for believing so.. Or, more likely, he's just passing on the lie himself.
See..this is exactly why I no longer sell anything- for every dodgy breeder out there you'll find 10,000 insane buyers. I've got no doubt you told this brainiac exactly how he should be looking after his snake, yet theres the dirt, warped wood, undoubtedly weirdo heating, if any..GRR.

Also, +1 no refund- he should return it or get it to a vet. Please don't ask him to euth it, though..god knows how he'd go about that.
Please don't ask him to euth it, though..god knows how he'd go about that.

Agree with this 100%.. Given the incompetence shown thus far, I'd be very worried about him trying to euthanase it :\
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