Jungle Bite

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Almost Legendary
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
Windsor, NSW
My baby boy just had a very bad shed so I got him out and started pulling it off in bits and pieces. However it was really stuck so I decided to get a damp cloth and wipe him down. He didn't take too kindly to this so he had a go at me. It's the first time he's bitten me in about three years. However, being the loving owner that I am, I wrestled him into the bath and grabbed his head so he couldn't bite me any more. So since he couldn't bite me he decided to crap all over me instead. The things we do for our animals...
Unfortunately the pic isn't great cause I took it after I'd finished my little wrestling match with him.

Where's the pic with crap all over you? Those are the ones you never see! :D

Looks like a decent bite, but luckily not three years worth. He must really like you :)
Babies can leave a pretty good mess, I posted pics up not long ago of a friend's hatchy jungle that bit me 10 times... little bugger. This one made you bleed a fair bit, it must have a good set of baby teeth :)
id take a bite over a python crapping on me any day...

although it does look like he had a good go =]
Haha well he's a five year old "baby" Tahlia so yes he has some decent choppers
Ah lol. Sorry, I should have read your post properly... I think I should go to bed :lol:
just a little scratch... nothing to special to post on a internet forum. makes me laugh how all you newbies think its such a big deal getting bitten buy a reptile and insintley want to tell the world about it.
lol thanks for the constructive input Andy. Didn't realise this would offend anyone. It is a snake forum after all... I'm not a newbie either ;)
Thanks for posting the pic, for people like me that are yet to be tagged it makes me less worried about it i guess. Also i find it interesting to see the various degrees of damage from different species and the size/age of the snake (for example this compared to a post a while ago showing a scrubbie tag that required medical attention).
it is the haircut and the columbian drug lord mo that had him confused. I hope the miss gave you some special loving for enduring the bite of a loving critter that has been in your care for so long.;)
Yeah Em as my friend Andy said this was only a "scratch". I'm surprised how bruised it is this morning though. I left a fair bit of blood on the kitchen floor too considering how tiny the teeth are.
Haha Greg he did used to enjoy crawling through the dreads. Maybe he misses them :p. The mo is gone too. You should have seen the filthy looks I got from strangers just in the street
Will you be able to keep the hand or will they have to cut it off? If they cut it off you could get them to mount on a snake hook like a pirate hook advantages all round lol
Not bad mate. It always amazes me how much they bleed for such small teeth lol. Snakes never seem to appreciate our help.

I don't think andy is aware of site rule 43, pics or it didn't lol.
Yeah Em as my friend Andy said this was only a "scratch". I'm surprised how bruised it is this morning though. I left a fair bit of blood on the kitchen floor too considering how tiny the teeth are.
Haha Greg he did used to enjoy crawling through the dreads. Maybe he misses them :p. The mo is gone too. You should have seen the filthy looks I got from strangers just in the street

This also gives me a better idea of what to expect when i do get tagged - lots more blood than expected and bruising. I have no doubt that i will be tagged in the coming weeks but that will be by 2 little darwins (from last season, about 45cm long at most lol), not bigger snakes. I have been told they won't hurt so am not scared at all other than hurting the snake by pulling away etc *just reach in and close my eyes to avoid pulling away* :lol:

I don't think that putting this type of photo up and story to go with it is actually showing off but i see it as more for education purposes. As i was told keeping snakes and other reptiles always has a risk of you getting tagged (or scratched or bitten if it's lizards etc) so you may as well get used to that fact :D

Thanks again for the education and i bet the bruising and bumping it probably hurts worse than the actual bite did.
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