Jungle Help?

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Far out... just leave the little guy alone for a week or so, let him settle in. He is probably stressed from the new environment and doesn't feel comfortable eating yet. As a few people have suggested let him be and try him in a week, he is not going to waste away or anything. You stressing out over feeding him is also probably further stressing him out. So give him a week and then try again, good luck! ;)
The female has eaten again now........seven days after her last feed.

The male refused a fuzzy yet again after being offered nothing for the past seven day, he ignored it for the first few minutes then took 2 strikes but never actually latched on and constricted, he did happen to get my hand though hehehe. Tried for about 15minutes and no luck so i left it in his click clack for a further hour, came back and the mouse was still in there.

What to do?

Wait another week?
This is where i get a bit cranky! Why the hell did you buy 2 snakes without
a history of constant feeding! This is where people get into a lot of trouble
as it can be hard to get hatchies to feed constantly!
The breeder should of held the snakes untill they had a good feeding history
and shedding record.
No need to angry!!! These are my first snakes how was i meant to know!!!
The guys said they have eaten a few time each so far.
Mate it makes me cranky when people pass of hatchie snakes to people when they dont have a constant feeding /shedding history.
To give you an example, we wont let any hatchie go unless it has been eating every 5 days constantly for 2 months as well as having a clean shedding record as well.All these details
are provided by us to the new owner.
It only takes a little more time and care on the breeders part to ensure the snake is right
to go to its new home!
Mate it makes me cranky when people pass of hatchie snakes to people when they dont have a constant feeding /shedding history.

Sounds to me like the seller hasn't done anything wrong? Has it been stated that they didn't have a constant feeding history? sorry if I missed that, but so far I've just seen a noob struggling to get a new hatchie to feed due to stress, nothing more. Some hatchies will setlle in and eat withing days, others may take months.

As stated, offer food once a week, no more. Don't handle him at all, he will eat eventually.
The seller hasn't done anything wrong IMO either, he told me the snakes had fed a couple of times each when i bought them. As disasterpiece 7.0 said i now know it's due to the stress of moving(and having a n00b taking care of him) i have him in a dark quiet place and he is being left alone and offered food once a week with his water being changed daily without disturbing him.

Disasterpiece 7.0 Love the name mate..............were you at the 08 tour? top show from what i can remember!!!


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Been reading this post and i think my jungle has it...............
fits the description perfectly..............what do i do?
So your snake doesnt eat for a few weeks and you automatically think its OPMV? No. :rolleyes:

You obviously just bought two jungles who were not feeding properly to start with, or there is something wrong with your current husbandry.
well he's throwing his head back, looks jittery and is feeling quite cold.

From what i have been reading he fits the symptoms
Well you never mentioned that, all youve said is theyre not feeding properly.

Any other details? Temps you have them on etc, have you treated them with any anything (mite sprays, wormed them etc), or sprayed anything funky in the room with them? Been keeping an eye on temperatures to make sure it hasnt been getting to hot with the recent heatwave?
1 feeds and is acting normal the other is as described above........i have a video if anyone would like to see it shoot me and email @ eskimo at exemail.com.au

Replace 'at' with a @
This may be a dumb question but I have never heard of OPMV so can some one ' Please Explain". I"m still quite green to all this so forgive my ignorance but I am learning as I go. The more I read on this forum it seems the more I learn even if I don't agree with all I read it's still one of the best places for learning from others.:)
Long story short, pretty much a highly infectious fatal virus that affects pythons, elapids, vipers etc, hence the importance of strict quarantine which hardly anyone seems to do!

Just search OPMV in google, there has been a number of papers about it, I suggest everyone to read them! Here's one to start off :

- http://www.smuggled.com/OPMV17.htm
i maybe wrong, but id think if 1 of your hatchies has OPMV the other would have it considering they came from the same breeder and were kept together for a short time. so id question if its not some other problem and not OPMV
Even if it is OPMV from what I understand not all snakes start to show signs at the same time, the other snake could very well be carrying it still.

I sent an email to you bundy aswell havent got a reply yet, did you type the right address or just not seen it yet?

Best thing might be to get them checked out by a reptile vet anyway for starters.
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