Just shed, still not eating

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Dec 27, 2008
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mornington peninsula Age 12
Since I brought my 10 month old diamond python home he has eaten one fuzzy rat on the 13th dec. He hasn't eaten since but he shed yesterday (2ndJan).
I have tried braining the rat and running it along the ground and touching him on the nose with it. He seems interested but won't strike.
Am I doing something wrong or am I worried about nothing? I thought he would be starving after not eating for a few weeks due to the shed.
He is still in the click clack I brought him home in and temp is ~29`C. The click clack is inside the bigger enclosure. He has a little hidey hole and seems otherwise happy.
Any help appreciated
My diamond has performance anxiety, he wont eat if someone is standing there watching!
Leave the rat in the enclosure overnight, always worked for me
i have the same prob with to of my pythons every now and a gain. i just wait a couple days and try again. did the seller say what he was feeding your snake?
also try taping the side of his body, a reation strike can end up in the item being constricted and swallowed
He had apparently taken his first fuzzy rat before I bought him without any problems. I have tried leaving the rat in overnight but it's still there in the morning.
I can increase the temp but won't the whole of the click clack be the same temp throughout? I don't have a heat mat, just the thermostat within the bigger enclosure. Should I get a heat mat so that he has a proper warm and cold end?
He is still in the click clack I brought him home in and temp is ~29`C. The click clack is inside the bigger enclosure. He has a little hidey hole and seems otherwise happy.
Any help appreciated

if you mean he's in an enclosure in a click clack, that's not a good way of heating him. are you measuring the temp in the tub? It's best if you get a heatmat and thermostat and heat 1/3 of the tub only, if you can't get a heatmat you might be better to put him in the enclosure with the basking site set at 32c with 2 or 3 hides for him 1 near the heat and a couple of branches.
He had apparently taken his first fuzzy rat before I bought him without any problems. I have tried leaving the rat in overnight but it's still there in the morning.
I can increase the temp but won't the whole of the click clack be the same temp throughout? I don't have a heat mat, just the thermostat within the bigger enclosure. Should I get a heat mat so that he has a proper warm and cold end?

Sorry i missed this post ....
So he had taken 1 fuzzy rat before you brought it ?? was that all it ate ?
If you have the click clack just sitting in a bigger enclosure , that is probably not the best way to set it up .
Buy a small heat mat , and sit about 1/3 of the tub on top of the mat , a hot and cold end is best option .
sorry but that's not what I've been told and it's only young. I bet that the breeder had the temps higher than 29c for the hatchys;)

Well 10 months old is not really a hatchy is it ;)
I do keep and breed them so am aware of temps .....29 IMO is fine for a diamond that age
Well 10 months old is not really a hatchy is it ;)
I do keep and breed them so am aware of temps .....29 IMO is fine for a diamond that age

ok if you say so, but I've been told by a few breeders that 32 under the light is ideal and the rest cool as you can, that way they will come and go as they please, if I had mine at 29 it wouldn't ever leave the basking light;)
I will grab a heat mat tomorrow and try that.
Yes he had his first fuzzy rat before I bought him. Before that he apparently took pinky mice. He's only eaten the one fuzzy rat since he came home.
Shall I keep the warm end about 29ish?
I will grab a heat mat tomorrow and try that.
Yes he had his first fuzzy rat before I bought him. Before that he apparently took pinky mice. He's only eaten the one fuzzy rat since he came home.
Shall I keep the warm end about 29ish?

my son's MD is 10-11mth we have it in a 3x2 enclosure with 3 hides and a few branches and it never misses a feed, you could try it in the enclosure for a week and see if it settles down and get a heatmat then if it doesn't;)
Before that he apparently took pinky mice. He's only eaten the one fuzzy rat since he came home.
Shall I keep the warm end about 29ish?

sometimes they won't take a rat the second time wash the rat to remove the smell or try a mouse again and if you can ring the breeder and ask him what temps he had them at.
I will grab a heat mat tomorrow and try that.
Yes he had his first fuzzy rat before I bought him. Before that he apparently took pinky mice. He's only eaten the one fuzzy rat since he came home.
Shall I keep the warm end about 29ish?

Try offering it small mice , it has been feeding on them so it might take them easier , once it is settled in and feeding well , you could try swapping to rats .
try a bigger rat or a hoper/ weaner mouse. something with hair and scent. i found thawing the food and keeping it dry by placing it in a zip lock bag and then in hot water for 5 min when it is defrosted will heat up nicely and keep it scented well. i started this because my jungle is fickle and he hasn't rejected a feed using this method

pinkies wont make your snake grow. thats probly why it appears to be a hatchie still. they can handle up to 6 times thier head size without injury
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