just wondering about a couple of things

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Active Member
Apr 8, 2010
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shoalhaven, NSW
so i was wanting to know how often you need to change your pythons water and if it can be water out of the tap cuz i herd that you cant cuz of the chlorine also wanting to hear some feedback on breeders choice kitty litter.

Cheers :)
I have used breeders' choice in the past and it was fine, although I was told that it's not so good for hatchies because the dust can be bad for their respiration...? Not sure how true that is... Paper towel is easier for cleaning anyway.

I change water every 2 days, from the tap.
all mine have large containers or plastic tubs for a water dish this allowing me not to have to re-fill every couple days but every week or 2, unless obviously they poo or pee in there water, I use tap water and have never had a problem. I also gave breeders choice a try but didn't like it due to it being ugly, a pain to clean and also had a bad problem with mites on my pythons and didn't get rid of the mites till I got rid of the breeders choice, that and bathing all snakes in contact with it and also bleaching there cages out. have never had problem with mites since then.
I use just plain tap water. Change it weekly or immediately if soiled.
i change water every time they poo and I have to clean their cage. I use Brita water filters and so I use water from the filter jug that i drink. I just think the water tastes better to me so should to them too...not that I have EVER seen them drink it lol.
When i spray my snakes pre shed I also spray them with filtered water....yes I know they are spoilt
I use paper towel as a substrate and they seem to really like it as it is soft and warm...they curl up under it when they want to hide

hey there i am from ulladulla too (well burrill lake) i use wood shaving they are easily enough to clean can hold moisture for when your snake sheds they look good they also seem to work as a good insulation between the heat mat and snake, have'nt had any dramas with it. you know the produce store across from bunnings they sell it there cheaper thab anyone else in town. Tap water is fine its nice and clean, i change it every second day. what sort of python do you have??
When we picked up our coastal from DECCW a few months back, I put in a chinese container with water straight from the tap in with her and she drank from it straight away.
I think that tap water is fine with all reps. If you want to filter it thats fine also, each to their own.
As for substrate, We only use Kritters Krumble (also known as Kitty's Crumble) whcih I have found works really well. Looks good, easy to clean and cheap enough to replace.
There is no evidence to suggest that chlorinated and fluoridated water could cause harm. A discussion not that long ago got quite heated about the effects of fluorine in water and pets.

Make sure your water bowl isn't exposed to direct light - this will prevent or at least slow the growth of algae.

Weekly change in a deep bowl is usually sufficient.

Another recent thread indicated that snakes were more likely to drink from fresh water than older water - however this is not something I have noticed in my snakes.

I use marine carpet as a substrate so can't answer your other question - sorry.
We used Breeders Choice for a while, but as it absorbs moisture it dried out any humidity in the tanks and as a result we had quite a few bad sheds. Switched back to buying end rolls from the local newspaper, no more problems with shedding. Also we were told that the dust was very bad for the snakes respiratory systems, and in time can lead to impaction in the lungs and (if fed in the tank) even bowels. The main reason we switched back to newspaper right there.
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