Keeping dragon colony's?

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*apologies the middle of your message didnt appear the first time i read.*
& of course if the male is getting too down with the females & just has an endlesss load to blow seperate him too cool down. thats just common sense. Everyone should keep an eye on there reptiles everyday, its you responsability as a keeper.

seeing that we are compairing dragon to yourself. would you like an endless load blown into you?
so funny....(just because you cant handle reading someone elses opinions on things, doesnt give you the right to be a total toss, to make yourself feel better over the internet!)
seeing we went off topic

if you want a colony, pick a colonial species. and always keep an eye out for stress, and injury.
Anyone else like to share there views on colonys?
so funny....(just because you cant handle reading someone elses opinions on things, doesnt give you the right to be a total toss, to make yourself feel better over the internet!)

your kidding right?

I've tried 'your' methods. and had many an injury, fight and problems. and continually struggle to find safe groups of these dragons. still, i find they are all thriving alone. to the point were i have RESCUED dragons from heirachies. hatchling size are 10 months of age.

trust me mate, im not some internet troll. i know some of us had a laugh at this. these jokes are bigger then you.

i just found your opinions funny and hollow.
seeing we went off topic

if you want a colony, pick a colonial species. and always keep an eye out for stress, and injury.

I do believe I already said that in a round about way. (thanks though!)
I do believe I already said that in a round about way. (thanks though!)

care to show me were you suggested colonial species over housing solitary together? i just thought you posted about other peoples experiences and blowing loads?
You read need glasses then i guess.
& I really need to learn how to spell. haha.
I didnt create a thread to just talk to kirby! Anyone else feel free to try & get a word in over Kirby.
Jimmy, you've probably been told the best advice you're going to get. If you want a colony, select colonial species. It doesn't get any more simple than that.
yeh no worries notechistiger. I got just about all I need. Not getting a colony, was just making conversation & trying to find out other people views. But I guess some people just arent as down to earth as they should be & need to definately take a step back & relax, its a forum not parliament house!
It's not that. Many people have come through APS, asked for advice, got very good advice, then ignored it and got some injured or dead animals for their efforts.
I can understand where your coming from & I do not disagree. I guess my thread should have been called "What dragons are colonial or do better than others in a colony?"

I take adivce I'm given but its good to source other peoples advice because what you get first time may not necessarily be the goods.
mate you will find that the alpha male will rule , and the girls will be comfortable with and around him,
the other males will not be part of the colony , abandoned . and if you have a pit , you will notice several colonies in the colony.
if there are too many males they will be the ones picked on and scarred up. try keeping girls and a boy. and you should remember that sometimes having a second enclosure to give the girls a break from demanding males.
I share those views coz666.

I have an avairy for my water dragons & they love it. even a few frogs happily living in there with a pond and plants.

I wouldnt keep heaps of dragons in a small cube. thats just stupid.
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