keeping snakes cool in summer

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May 2, 2008
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as we all know its has been stinking hot for the last 3 days here, constantly over 40...and im really worried about my snakes.... im just trying to get some ideas on keeping them cool..i have turned the heating off in thier cages and at the peak of the day in one box its getting to about 37C and the other is about 35C...i put ice in the water and ice blocks for the to keep it cool though cant seem to keep the temp down any other ideas
put fans on or air con if you have them. if you can darken the room , cover windows from outside ,if you can.
i was going tp post same question alarms where all going of yesterday...and one tank was sitting at 39...ive got them all open with mesh vents i cut up to cover, ice in water and fans...but the air cons and fans are not helping....its tooooo hot :x
I nailed up shade cloth around outside of the herp room, works ok, just make sure you don't block out any breeze that can come in through windows.

I also put insulation in the roof and a whirliebird thing which made a huge difference.
I've bought 3 bags of ice this morning for my snake room and filled up quite a few tupperware containers with the ice. Changed over the water to ensure it is cool again and shut all power off (no choice really as the power transformer over the road exploded last night :lol:)

I'm going to buy quite a few of these: - it'll work way better than ice (but perhaps for the safety of the animals it will have to be either placed in a container or wrapped up in a towel) These are non-toxic coolers. The ambient temperature yesterday in my snakeroom was 42 degrees. Waaaaaaay too hot for some of the snakes I keep :(
You are doing it tough down south all right, all you can do is try to get the temps down any way you can, (I am guessing that most places would be sold out of ice in this heat) but even a large block of ice in a baking tray sitting behind a pedestal fan makes a good hillbilly air con.
If possible move the snakes under your house and onto the ground. Using large water bowls is a good idea too and anything else such as bricks, besser blocks etc. that have good thermal mass(make sure nothing can fall and crush the reptiles) will also help to provide cooler areas.
Even tho I am in Melb, and it is 43 outside, the indoor temp at home is less than 30. I guess we're just lucky!

I can't believe people can't get it under 40 with air con! That totally sucks!!

Basically ice blocks and ice packs and ventilation. Open up the top or front and replace with secure mesh...

Even give them a cool bath (not cold)...
i have been panicking when it gets to mid 30's so you guys would be stressed as.i have not yet ,even on the hottest day when it 38 and super high humidty seen my snakes worry about it. they were all happy and only once found one in a water bowl and that was at 30 so who knows. i have a fan on the cool end and the water bowls at that end so an evaporative effect happens. the water is always 4-5 degrrees cooler i have found. i just put lots of extra holes and put the fans closer so they blow over the water just keep an eye on the water as it evaporates very quick. Maybe hire portable air con if they have not sold out..
Our rep room is a constant 28 due to an investment in an inverter split system :-}
Freeze water in 2 litre cordial bottle, wrap in a teatowel and put in one end of cage.
It works quite well here in SE Qld.
Thats a great idea xScarlttex,just some ice cubes wrapped in a tea towel and place in a corner.I feel sorry for ALL you ppl in Melbourne and South Aust,this heat would be a killer,reptiles love the heat But Not this much......
i just put them in tubs and put them in the bath room where it is generally cooler eg : tiles ect
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