Well-Known Member
Hey guys!...and no hello's to the people who might diss me via this thread..
Just bought a babey lacey 5 mnths old,iv learnt alot,iv red alot im not a idiot,would jsut like to know if there is anybody out there with good tips on getting babey laceys used to u and "dog-tame" obviosuly as time aware they can be bitey,and alot of patience is involved in the taming up of a lacey(and it CAN be done,iv seen them dog-tame) keen,im ready,i got my own ways i think that r working.. but i would jsut like to know how u guys did it (if u did it),and would like to know some tips if any one is willing to give me any (and no im not getting rid of him.LOL)and jsut basically your views on raising laceys (not talking about the enclosures,feeding or temperatur,i got that sussed) just the whole..bonding between you and your lacey..iam interested to know...maybe my ways are wrong.
thank you for any mature response to this..any info,tips would be much appreaciated,
suidafrikaan guy.
-wanna b herpetologist scientists who "think" they know evrything
-lace monitor haters
-bossy people
dont bother to reply to this thread
Just bought a babey lacey 5 mnths old,iv learnt alot,iv red alot im not a idiot,would jsut like to know if there is anybody out there with good tips on getting babey laceys used to u and "dog-tame" obviosuly as time aware they can be bitey,and alot of patience is involved in the taming up of a lacey(and it CAN be done,iv seen them dog-tame) keen,im ready,i got my own ways i think that r working.. but i would jsut like to know how u guys did it (if u did it),and would like to know some tips if any one is willing to give me any (and no im not getting rid of him.LOL)and jsut basically your views on raising laceys (not talking about the enclosures,feeding or temperatur,i got that sussed) just the whole..bonding between you and your lacey..iam interested to know...maybe my ways are wrong.
thank you for any mature response to this..any info,tips would be much appreaciated,
suidafrikaan guy.
-wanna b herpetologist scientists who "think" they know evrything
-lace monitor haters
-bossy people
dont bother to reply to this thread
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