That is indeed a sad case and i think you have achieved an excellent outcome given the starting condition of the animal. Take a well deserved bow!
The lower jaw is often one of the areas where MBD shows up for two reasons. Firstly it is a particularly solid bone structure in the skeleton and so ends up relatively worse off than other bones when calcium is mobilised and withdrawn from the skeleton. Secondly, it is subject to very large mechanical stress during eating.
The Causes of MBD
A proper understanding of what MBD is and what causes it can avoid happenings like this.
Calcium is a major constituent of bone and gives it strength. Calcium is also also probably the most important mineral in the body, being involved in nearly all the main metabolic processes of living things. Because calcium is so crucial to so many essential metabolic processes to maintain life, it is absolutely essential to maintain the required level of calcium in the body fluids.
A certain amount of calcium is lost from the body through excretion on a continuous basis. This, unfortunately, is unavoidable, but is not a problem where normal calcium uptake from the diet occurs. When insufficient calcium is absorbed from the diet, the body will release calcium stored in bone to ensure the levels in the body fluids are sufficient to allow normal metabolic processes to occur. On an on-going basis, with no replacement of calcium from the diet, this will result in metabolic bone disease.
The absorption of calcium from food requires Vitamin D3. The active form of this vitamin allows the body to absorb any calcium available from the gut (digested food) and for the body to incorporate it into building bones. UVB light can cause many vertebrates, reptiles included, to produce inactive D3 in the skin. This is then stored in their liver until required. So animals that normally consume whole vertebrates, like monitors do, are geared to obtaining their necessary Vitamin D3 from the livers of these animals. A diet devoid of livers in such animals, cannot take up calcium, no matter how much is present in the food.
Hope that helps with the understanding.