last minute info please

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Active Member
Aug 13, 2010
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South Australia
hey everyone im getting my first snake on wednesday and dont worry ive done my reasearch and im confident that ill be find but just incase can people please give me all the info on keeping black and gold jungle pythons of just anything about them or setup ect, anything is appreciated just so i know as much as i can before it arrives.
cheers everyone
What specifically are you not sure of?

If you've done all your research, then you will be fine. Make sure your setup is well and truly organised and ready to go BEFORE you bring your python home.
Heat is on and up to temperature before he comes home. Other than that jungles are as easy as any other carpet python. Lots of hides, fresh water at the cool end and leave him alone to let him settle. You will want to touch him and watch him but try to refrain from picking him up for a couple weeks minimum. Watch all you like, its a bit like watching paint dry but eh, new paint looks great :D Enjoy him!
nuh theres nothing im unsure of and the enclosure will be ready in time. i just want to make sure i havnt missed anything.
yer im gonna find it hard not picking her up for the first couple weeks but i know i need to let her settle. ive bought a proper URS hide and im also going to use the box of globe and see which one is prefered. wont i need to put the water bowl on the hot spot since it likes humidity and that will rise the humidity?
nah better to keep humidity low, it can handle higher humidities for a few days here and there, but because your enclosure is a closed warm space, moisture is just going to breed bacteria and your snake will get an infection. humidity is good coming up for a shed though, give him/her a spray once a day when theyre coming up for a shed.

just an addition, i spot clean my enclosures everyday to remove the poo, but because of all the excess humidty around shedding time, i clean my enclosures out completely just after a shed.

in conclusion, water bowl at cool end, spray when coming up for a shed. you can buy an ok looking spray bottle from the reject shop for 2 bucks.
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what do you mean fully ventilated? as in there is no roof? or the roof is mesh? just a heads up if you live somewhere cooler like SA, Vic or NSW your power bill will skyrocket if you keep snakes in enclosures with mesh lids. i would seriously consider getting an enclosure with much less ventilation like a melamine enclosure, as jungles require ambient temps more so than basking spots. this will be very difficult and costly to maintain in a glass enclosure or an enclosure with a mesh lid.
if you can make it work and you are happy paying the power bill then go for it. otherwise i reccomend a melamine enclosure.
the enclosure is one of those URS glass vivariums. i worked at a pet shop and they used that for theirs and it was fine so i should be ok. if its too expensive my neighbour is an engineer and is quiet handy and said he can help out to fix or alter anything so ill see how i go. thanks for you input its great!
and yes i live in SA. the weather is starting to heat up now also. and what i ment was the roof is like metal mesh sorta thing if you've seen those URS glass vivariums just to clarify.
I used to use glass enclosures,and just recently change over to a timber and a melamine enclosure and not only do they hold heat a lot better but my snakes seem to be a lot happier and relaxed!. Glass enclosures are heaps easier to clean but u have to use a lot higher wattage globe then what u would in a wood enclosure.
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