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Active Member
May 10, 2009
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Bunbury WA
hi all, im very new to this so plz bear with me!
we bought a beautifull female coastal python about two and a half weeks ago ( she is about three n a half months). we were warned by the breeder that she could be quite snappy, but since getting her home and settled into her encloser (we decided to put her straight in instead of the click a clack) she has been extremely relaxed, super placid and hasnt tried to bight me once, even tho i was soo nervous the first time i handled her! we waited three days before we fed her ( it had been ten days since her last feed) and she ate without a problem.
my question to u all is: how active can i expect her to be? for the last two weeks she has just been chillin on her branch and the only time she moves around is when i put her back in her tank after having her out for awhile, but even then its just to get back on her stick.
while she is out she moves around a lot on my hand and arm and seems quite inquisitive... the temp at the warm end gets to 33 degrees and at the cool end about 22-23 degrees. her stick is in the warm end.
and also, how long should it take her to pass her meal?

hope my question isnt too silly lol
would appreciate all advice:lol:
I didnt know you could have Coastals in WA, or is it a South Western Carpet.

Anyway, With the info you have given I dont see any dramas.
The temps are right, its feeding well, it sounds normal to me.

The fact that it is atcive and explores when you have it out, tells me there is no health issues.
Although I would add a branch to the cool end, to give it a choice.

As for how long it will take to pass its meal,
it depends on the size of the meal and how warm it has been kept, and if its due to shed its skin.
Could be anywhere from 5 to 14 days.

Also, you will find that it will be more active at night.
oops yes my mistake the breeder actually called her a south west coastal pythn? if i could figure out how to post a photo i would put a couple up.
dont think she is ready to shed yet, they go milky dont they??
dont worry mate my coastal is a lazy sod aswell. i was also told that mine would be snappy, she has only had a go at me once since ive had her. there awesome snakes, with a great temp.
I have 2 snakes from the same clutch and they have the same setup with temps etc and 1 will crap on day4 or so and the other will crap on day8 so i think its a personal thing
i think it must be a coastal requirement to be lazy! mine is like that too. hehe. i used to worry cuz she would come out at night and sit on her log, and then go and hide during the day.

as for the passing of the food, mine takes around 5 days, then 2 days later does another one, then another 2 days later another.... etc. lol. so be prepared to clean up some stinky poop soon!!! :-D
Mine is also lazy, always chilling out in his hides in the day and out and about during the night If mine doesnt poo after a feed i will feed again the next week not long after that he will go toilet :)
if the spot its sitting in is the hottest part, it could be to cold. or the other way around.
then again it could just be lazy
You'll be watching her mainly during the day, correct? You'll find most pythons will not do much during the day. Install an infrared light in the enclosure (so you don't disturb the snake) and turn it on between about 9pm and 3am. This is when I've found of my snakes to be cruising around their enclosures.
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