Leaving unshed shed on?

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Not so new Member
Jan 27, 2008
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Hi guys.

I've searched and read a lot of threads about how to get any remains of a shed off a snake, but still have a few questions unanswered.

Is there any harm in leaving a small amount of unshed skin on? Wont it just come off in the next shed?

If it is a major problem, my little girl has only been in her new home for a few weeks and is still a bit feisty when I try and handle her (well haven't tried really, but she is very snappy). Whats the best solution to get this bit of skin off without freaking her out too much. (Blonde Mac - 7 weeks)

Cheers guys. Hope these are decent questions?

Make sure you dont have absorbent substrate like breeders choice . Add bigger or more water bowls to increase humidity . lf that doesnt work . wet then wring out pillow case and pop snake inside for 20 min . Will soften and rub skin off .
Yup...wet pillowcases work really well..dont leave her in it too long though...not much air transfer when its wet
Thanks guys. I'll give the pillow case method a try tomorrow.

But can someone tell me if it's a bad thing to leave some there? And if so why?

at 7 weeks, you could place her in a small click clack with moist paper towel over a heat mat if you have one, or the damp pillow case is good, make sure the water that you soak it in is tepid.
Thanks guys. I'll give the pillow case method a try tomorrow.

But can someone tell me if it's a bad thing to leave some there? And if so why?


well depending on where the skin is depends how serious it is. When i had my Leopard Gecko he ALWAYS had skin left around his toes, if i left it too long to remove with tweezers when i did eventually get it off his skin had gone pink! not the yellow it should be. it cuts off the circulation to that area as it gets tight restricting blood flow.

i dont know if or how serious it would be if it was a small area on a snakes back? but best to get it off anyways i think.
My MD has a small amount of shed still left on him because he was wearing stitches during one of his sheds and now that the stitches are out he still has a small amount of shed left, anyways the vet said it is fine, wait until the next shed and it should come off, if it doesnt i guess then i will have to give him a ring and find out what to do.
I understand that it is important to ensure eye scales come off every shed, but that a small piece left on elsewhere shouldnt cause any problems - Just make sure you increase the humidity for the next shed and check to make sure it does come off the next time around...
If the shed is left at the end of the tails it can cause it to fall off. I had troubles with my childrens shedding the tip of his tail and just could not get it off and eventually the whole tip came off.
What I will generally do, instead of soaking or using a moist towel or pillow case is spray the effected area with Repti-Mist, allow to soak in for a few mins then once softened, remove manually myself. Works a treat.
if you use the pillowcase idea, turn it inside out too.... so they cant get caught and tangled in loose threads from the seams....
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