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I googled it.. took 15 seconds.. Don't know if you've ever heard of google but it's quicker then posting on here!!!! 10 - 15 years seems to be the go... (oh and )

Snowman you are awsome.
See APS this is called constructive flaming, you flame the guy but provide the answer to validate your reply:D

Now here is a good time to add this link like some one else did on another post......

Stay Happy:D:D:D
I love it! Constructive flaming :lol:
Nice link too!!!

Though I wasn't flaming as much as I was using my 'patient talking to lil kids voice' and teaching how to google ;)
After all my nephew is 9 and googles for info about his blue tongue.

Oh and congratulations Snakebuster on starting 6 threads in less than 40 minutes :p
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All in good fun;). We love ya snakebuster:D
If you click on contact us for LMGTFY and send the email you'll get one back.
Mmm google'n for blue tongues, I'm doing alot of that lately.
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