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RE: re liscensing

Im a soon-to-be new Herp owner in W.A. as well and the laws sure seem to be overly "cautious".

Maybe Westaussie can sell me a decent Python.
RE: re liscensing

Oof- if you bought one from West Aussie- you would be WELL pleased with it, and his service and dedication to his herps.

I have gone to Exotic many times, and never met anyone called long has he worked there? When we were first interested in buying a stimsons- we visited the store, and were shown animals that were very hyperactive- and unhandleable to anyone who didn't want to be tagged (they were only little snakes- but little snakes grow into big snakes).

We were looking for a snake that was much more placid as my daughter handles the snake as well- and I don't want to have her constantly being chewed on. We bought ours from Rocky Reptiles (or as they are now known Reptile Trader). She is a gorgeous snake, and very placid and happy. She's grown well, feeds easily....

We bought her before we were aware of WestAussie....when we're after another reptile- we'll be seeing him.
RE: re liscensing

Well it seems that different people have different opinions of places, that is fine.

Kev only works there a couple days a weeks, he is the one who catches all the reptiles there. I have bought 2 stimmis from there. Both have been excellent animals so far. With my big girl looking like she could be gravid (fingers crossed).

As for rocky reptiles. First time I went in there i was asked for a 'donation' if i wasnt going to buy anything. Im not really sure what sort of business practice that is. But maybe someone needs to inform them that they are a reptile store, and not a reptile park with and admission fee. When i'm spending hundreds of dollars on a single animal I like to look around the store first, and I like to feel comfortable. Being hounded for a 'donation' is poor form in my eyes. It seemed to be a decent store other then that and the multiple signs asking for donations was a bit odd also.

At the end of the day, everyone is going to have their own set of experiences and opinions on certain stores/places. All petstores have their ups and down (usually more downs!).

On the weekend I visited a number of aquarium/reptile stores. I asked some very basic questions at a couple of them. Questions to which I know the answers too, and was horrified at some of the answers I got.

"my stimsons python has a problem shedding, it seems to only shed small pieces at a time, what can I do to fix this?"

"rub the skin of with some coarse sandpaper"
RE: re liscensing

OMG! That IS scary. Coarse Sandpaper?

AntaresiaLady :- I have a daughter as well. 7 yrs old and she is dead-set in love with snakes. (Takes after Dad). :) But i would be interested to call you to get a bit-'o-help. Seeing as you have a daughter as well. I'll take all the help i can get. I want to get this right the first time.

For me, I was hoping to see a few setups from W.A. herpers to get some good ideas as to what I REALLY need vs what i want to get. So i'll PM westaussie as well.
RE: re liscensing

Noxious...the reason they have those donation signs is because they have MANY people go there just to stand around and gawk at the resident reptiles there, and they also end up with dozens of people who go in asking about reptile problems when they didn't purchase their reptiles from there. I think its a clever idea.
And they've changed it too now. There is an education centre where the shop was located, they've called it Radical Reptiles, and the actual shop has moved - Reptile Trader is the trade name.
I've not been down there since the change- so I can't say anything about how its currently set up- but we got a good deal from Ken (we dealt with him directly), and other than a couple of little things- I was pretty happy with the deal we got.

Oof- if you go to see WestAussie- drop past my place! I would love to come with you! I'd show you my snake set up, but its BORING....just a wooden box, some glass, a light, a thermostat, a stick and a snake pretty much!
RE: re liscensing

Noxious- do you know if Steve does any collecting hisself?

And you should out who the heck told you to use sandpaper- we all need to be warned against such a fruitcake!
RE: re liscensing

Kevin at Exotics in Wangara is probably the most knowlegeable retailer in the system in WA at the moment - he does only work there 4 days a week I think, but his experience is long-term and he will never b/s to anyone. I have dealt with him for several years now ,and developed a very good friendship with him , but this doesn't colour my opinion of him as an excellent source of information for all sorts of reptile keepers, from beginners to advanced. I have heard there are a lot of mite-infected herps coming from dealers in WA at the moment, but you won't get them from Kevin's snakes, and you will find that most of the stuff Exotics has on sale Kevin has caught himself, and has been well quarantined and thoroughly adjusted to captivity before it is put up for sale.

Good luck, Jamie.
Re: RE: re liscensing

AntaresiaLady said:
Noxious...the reason they have those donation signs is because they have MANY people go there just to stand around and gawk at the resident reptiles there, and they also end up with dozens of people who go in asking about reptile problems when they didn't purchase their reptiles from there. I think its a clever idea.
And they've changed it too now. There is an education centre where the shop was located, they've called it Radical Reptiles, and the actual shop has moved - Reptile Trader is the trade name.
I've not been down there since the change- so I can't say anything about how its currently set up- but we got a good deal from Ken (we dealt with him directly), and other than a couple of little things- I was pretty happy with the deal we got.

Oof- if you go to see WestAussie- drop past my place! I would love to come with you! I'd show you my snake set up, but its BORING....just a wooden box, some glass, a light, a thermostat, a stick and a snake pretty much!

So a store shouldn't help someone with a sick or stressed reptile if they bought it from a different store? I think that, that is also bad practice. I think helping someone with a sick reptile, even if they bought it from another store is a good way to gain new customers. Not my badgering them for a donation. This is just my opinion. That's what people do they look at things they are interested in, the retailer has to learn to accept that not every person that is looking at their stock is going to buy something. This person could be impressed with the stock and may inform friends etc... asking for a donation for looking at a retail stores reptiles is just pathetic!

back on track....

pythoninfinite - Kev is a great guy I have known him for many years ever since he worked at morley aquariums. He has been keeping herps for many years.
Re: RE: re liscensing

Noxious said:
asking for a donation for looking at a retail stores reptiles is just pathetic!

I totally agree.
Reptile Shops

Hi All,
I also believe asking for donations at a fish/reptile shop is way below the belt, I worked at one of the largest aquarium shops in Australia in Perth and we would never dream of asking or implying that a customer should donate to the shop.
This shop used to get primary and high school students coming in and looking at the fish and aquariums because it was cheaper to go there than to AQWA.
If one of those kids came bak and bought a fish or a set up then it is all worthwhile, if they do not then at least they have some education on keeping animals and fish at pets.
I do not believe animals should not be bought from pet shops and only from dealers, as the reptile pet system has only been in W.A. for 3-4 years I do not believe anyone has the right to claim themselves an expert when it comes to reptile keeping.
It is hard for people to gain first hand knowledge on keeping reptiles as pets when it was illegal to keep them before the system was introduced except with an educational license.
Perhaps those experienced educational reptile people should start helping the hobbyists with books and brochures etc.
If you want to gossip buy a Woman's Day, it's Bec Cartwrights favourite celebrity magazine.
WestAussie's advertisment in the Quokka says he has 20 years experience keeping reptiles and this mite be true but I can also name alot of dealers who know less than keepers (more so in fact) and some people only take 3 years to be extremely experienced on reptiles rather than 20 years
I think it is a terrible shame that when people buy a reptile from a shop and it becomes sick they immediatly go to someone else for help and bag the shop, it seems that if an animal is sick the place from where it was purchased from whether it be a shop or an experienced dealer does not hear about the sickness at all except through hearsay and rumour.
If an animal was looking sick in the shop, don't buy it and don't blame anyone but yourself if the reptile became sick later on.
Antaresia Lady, I guess the snakes you saw at Exotics were kept nice and warm hence them being "hyperactive" and I guess they were wild caught rather than being captive for a long time, did you buy your python when the system first opened?
I have known Kev for a very long time and he is the ONLY person in W.A. who has the animals best interest at heart and I cannot believe he is being treated in this manner by experienced reptile dealer, it is disgusting.
I don't believe Noxious said Kev was an expert but then again you shouldn't believe everything you read on forums or in the paper.


P.S. Hi Jamie!
as the reptile pet system has only been in W.A. for 3-4 years I do not believe anyone has the right to claim themselves an expert when it comes to reptile keeping.

Blake I dont believe anyone at all should consider themselves an expert and the only ones who I have seen to claim this role tend to be pet shops jostling for customers.
in my opnion the most experienced licenced dealers in W.A would be Brian Bush, Rob Browne-cooper, Russel Brown and Donelle Bleakley. you will find that these people have had a history in herpetology well before the current pet trade was introduced and I have never heard any of these people claim to know it all.

I think it is a terrible shame that when people buy a reptile from a shop and it becomes sick they immediatly go to someone else for help and bag the shop

The problems only arise when people do not get support from the dealer. I have seen this on a few occasions.

WestAussie's advertisment in the Quokka says he has 20 years experience keeping reptiles and this mite be true but I can also name alot of dealers who know less than keepers (more so in fact) and some people only take 3 years to be extremely experienced on reptiles rather than 20 years

well I take my hat off to these people, maybe I am just a slow learner,but I have enjoyed it. And maybe I will bump into some of them in the field or they will say hello at one of my shows.

have known Kev for a very long time and he is the ONLY person in W.A. who has the animals best interest at heart

I guess you have never met the people I mentioned above or you would not make that claim

I cannot believe he is being treated in this manner by experienced reptile dealer, it is disgusting.

As the only dealer who has answered this post I assume you are referring to me. Well i have not said a bad word about Kev and have never had any problems with him or heard of any problems. I have only reffered honestly to the lack of experience and support of pet shops. As I work soley with reptiles on a full time basis, I see and hear a lot more than most people. I try to keep to myself and have very little dealings directy with the pet shops and many people can understand why.
RE: Re: RE: re liscensing

There is no badgering Noxious- just a sign that asks that if you're going to bring your kids and the neighbours kids and the people up the road and their kids and their next door neighbour and their brother just to see the reptiles in the store (as I assure you happens- I myself have been witness to it) then maybe you could spare some change to help with their upkeep.

And they do help people with their snakes even if they haven't bought them from there- but they are reluctant to, because like WestAussie- they spend hours helping people with their snakes to the detriment of their business. And they have had countless lots of people go into their store, pick their brains about reptiles- only to walk out and buy a cheap inferior mite ridden animal from a shoddy dealer and then come whinging to Ken and the other staff that it won't eat/poop/shed/is dead.

I think your idea of badgering may be a bit broad- as I recall there was a tin on the front counter, and a sign near the BHP/ Frilly enclosures.

Its neither here nor there.
Another thing I've noticed is peoples ideas of what constitutes a good animal vary greatly also. I have some horror stories about dealers in the Perth region like I said- so I'm very wary of who I buy from.

And Noxious, thanks for the tip about Kevin- I might have to go up there again- hubby just works around the corner :) We got some of the gear for our gecko enclosure from them- they were really helpful - we dealt with Steve that time. I love meeting 'real' herps...they amaze me....I didn't even know he existed!
RE: Re: RE: re liscensing

AntaresiaLady said:
When we were first interested in buying a stimsons- we visited the store, and were shown animals that were very hyperactive- and unhandleable to anyone who didn't want to be tagged (they were only little snakes- but little snakes grow into big snakes).

We were looking for a snake that was much more placid as my daughter handles the snake as well- and I don't want to have her constantly being chewed on. We bought ours from Rocky Reptiles (or as they are now known Reptile Trader). She is a gorgeous snake, and very placid and happy. She's grown well, feeds easily....

In reply to you Blake- Yes- his snakes were very warm when we were there, and that may be why they were hyperactive. But let me assure you hyperactivity was not THE sole reason we didn't buy from Steve & Kevin- in fact it was only a tiny portion of it. The reason we didn't buy a snake from them at that time was that we didn't have licences at that particular point, and we didn't have the money on us right then and there anyway- we were doing some shopping around talking to different dealers, as normal people do.

We ended up getting Hermione from Ken pretty much coz we were in Rocky, and went and had a peek at his stock, and our daughter wanted some frogs, and Ken did us a great deal.

Thats pretty much it. I realise in hindsight that my post regarding their hyperactivity may have given the impression that it was the sole reason we didn't buy a snake from there. I would buy from them, I've bought herp stuff from them, and had plans to buy some geckos from them (I was offered a better deal from another dealer- so I will be going with them- so its no fault of Steve & Kevins) I don't have a problem with them, or the care of their reps- all those I have seen are lovely.

And Blake- I've only been a herp owner since February this year.

I didn't mean to offend anyone, but I have heard some horror stories- sad but true.
If your bloody snake gets sick, take it back to the place of purchase for advice. If they cant or wont help,take it to a vet. This should be your first priority. You will soon work out who is worth dealing with in the reptile trade. Do some research on the dealers before you rush out and purchase a reptile from your local pet shop. The dealers listed above by West aussie will probably ring you in a couple of months of your purchase to see how your new reptile is doing. (Thats Service).

Its amazing that WASAH disolved due to lack of people wanting to take over from a tired and exhausted commitee that spent over ten years to get a reptile keeping system for everyone. No one would put there hand up and now there is all this bitching from 3 year old experts.

Shame on all of you!
I've never claimed to be an expert :).

And we've volunteered to help get something like WASAH back up and running again since February- even been to a couple of informal 'discussions' but everyone says 'yes yes yes'....then come time for action and they're off like a shot. I eve designed a bloody logo for it!

And I heard that WASAH also dissolved at least in part due to all the infighting between 'expert' herpers, and differing opinions. Not saying that its the truth- just regurgitating what I have been told.

The opinion expressed herein contains no warranties, guarantees, implications of or denial of guilt by anyone living or dead in this universe or any other. It is my opinion, and as such- is published in the public domain for the benefit (or not) of mankind. Do with it what you will. Feel free to quote me.

Hi Blake - good to hear from you! Interesting to see the southern suburbs wizard getting a plug here. Talk about b/s artist... Glad I'm in NSW!!! I don't have to put up with any of that crap now!

AntaresiaLady, I was a long-term WASAH member, and together with Pythoninfinite and another, did a lot of the initial dealing with CALM to get the system operating. After that was achieved, some of the drive went out of WASAH and while there were loads of people willing to be members, there were few with the time available to keep it going as a good Assoc should, with newsletters, and so on. Brian Bush, Brad Maryan and a few others had been going at it for years and it eventually took its toll. I too have been to meetings where people promised a lot but nothing happened. It's disappointing, because there is still a lot of work to be done to get this licensing system operating properly, and WASAH was a great lobbying vehicle.
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