Lost 2 yr old stimsons python and need help.

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Oct 10, 2024
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orange nsw aus
hey guys needing a bit of help/reassurance. i’ve lost my stimmy about two days ago and have turned the room the enclosure is in upside down, there is about a 3cm hole in the corner or the room and im afraid she has gone into there. i’ve put flour absolutely everywhere and there is no way for me to get under the house. i’ve had a thawed mice sitting in a cup for about 12 hours and still nothing. the doors are always shut in the room and there is not enough room for her to squish under (she is a bit thick) but i must’ve not latched the enclosure properly and she has gotten out. i don’t know what to do. or know where to look because she has never been too far than the washing machine and cannot get into the other rooms. please help!!
Hey. I don’t have any suggestions beyond what you are already doing eg flour on hard surface doorways, water out, checking everywhere repeatedly, setting up a warm spot with a fresh mouse from time to time etc.
what I can say is that my daughter’s Stimson did the exact same thing early Feb 2023. Absolutely no sign of him. Vanished.
Until earlier this week when a mate found him in my carport.
So that was pretty much 20 months fending for himself who knows where under, around, and inside my house, undetected the whole time…
He’s come back longer, heavier and thicker than he was, so has obviously been living on something. Preliminary vet check reckons he’s surprisingly healthy.
So short answer; keep doing what you are doing and don’t despair. Plenty of people lose theirs - for a few weeks to a few months - according to all the research I did when ours first disappeared.
Tread lightly, keep your eyes peeled and you might find him before long!