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Speaking of courses.

Perhaps one of the courses/demonstrations could have been proper snakebite treatment?

Also really like the idea of an ATM around somewhere...

A portable EFTPOS machine would do it. You see this at PC expos all the time. One machine is used and then the money is allocated afterward accordingly.

Greg, your half right. Yours appeared to be the busiest table, with the best bargins on the day. You definately had a lot less to take home compared to what you carried in. Sorry to see you are getting right out of reptiles. At least you should have lost as much weight as I did on the day. Not that either of us needed to loose any.:)))
I think the idea about the keno pencil is GREAT!!!
When you pay to get in, you should get a voting form, and a pencil.
I entered and paid for a family, but was told NOTHING about the voting.
Also, I also thought some of the animals looked a bit stressed, and could do with a bit more distance from the CROWDS!!!
And also too many UNSUPERVISED kiddies running riot!!!
But a great day, I'm sure will only get bigger and better!!
Well done!!!!
Same time next weekend?
;) :)

Was good t see you again Greggles :)
Its illegal to have dogs off leash in public areas, maybe it should be the same for SOME children. WOOF. :) (Can't you tell I don't have kids!) Although there are exceptions to the rule. Maybe we should have some parents on a leash. :)

Or maybe a sign 'IF YOU DON'T CONTROL YOUR CHILDREN, WE WILL ASK YOU TO LEAVE'. The only ones that should be offended by this are the ones who don't control their children!!

As for the accessories being overpriced, well, its up to the public to know what they are buying and its value. You can't blame a money making business from trying to profit from the odd speciality show such as this. If you want to get them competitive, you need a lot more stall holders selling the same products, otherwise why would anyone in their right mind sell 'cheaply'??
It's in the spirit of shows/expos...MOST specialty interest shows have products at a reduced price, it's just the way it works...even maintaining the RRP wouldn't be frowned upon but there were a number of products that had been jacked up in price...was a shame...
In some ways it would have been in the interests of the petshops there to discount their prices and encourage new herpers to come back to their shop in the future.
Not sure if processing applications on the spot is a good idea - possibly opens up the ability for more uninformed impulse buys...definately a great idea for them the have a stand there though, with applications for licences and general info...

Also really like the idea of an ATM around somewhere...

And definately think some husbandry courses throughout the day would be brilliant...

I agree with that one.
We don't want people to buy reptiles like rabbits in pet shop. Waiting for the license is great cool of period.
I was disappointed with some of those prices too - Weigel's book for $40, and "The More Complete Chondro" for $105.


Maybe a special type display for the kids to keep them amused a bit. Maybe even a few blue tongues or some thing they could handle. I am sure it would go down well with them. I thought it was excellent. Kids and crowds are allways going to be a problem at any event like that.
Nothing wrong with children. They are best part of it. This is excellent. way to educate them about wildlife from early age.
Yes, to being children, they love to put hands on everything and touch.

That is where parents should step in and do bit of parenting. It is called discipline and lot of lazy parents prefer to avoid this.

I think that person at the door welcoming the families and explaining to parents what they children are allowed to do would be helpful. They should be told that if they children can't be controlled, they would be asked to leave the show.

If there would be supervised section where our little kids can touch the snake and touch some of the harder animals under supervision, I think that we will have lot of appreciation from our small animal lovers.
This maybe would be difficult to achieve because of current regulations. But they do something like this in reptile park where somebody walk around with animal and let people to touch.
Maybe a special type display for the kids to keep them amused a bit. Maybe even a few blue tongues or some thing they could handle. I am sure it would go down well with them. I thought it was excellent. Kids and crowds are allways going to be a problem at any event like that.

LOL you posted this same time like me
We didn't want anyone handling any reptiles for hygiene reasons, and I think that even Bluetongues would get stressed out by being constantly handled.

One other problem that nobody even considered before the event was kids falling to their death. The hall has a rockclimbing wall and even though it wasn't set up, kids were still trying to climb it all day. Obviously, the public liability insurance doesn't extend to 'falling from a cliff'. Pablo stood a couple of mats up against the wall to prevent people from climbing, but 10 minutes later a 4 year old girl running around managed to knock one of the mats over - it fell on her and trapped her underneath. Was quite funny, but I had to laugh on the ninside 'coz the parents were around.


Also a louder P.A. system for talks or generally letting people know what's happening throughout the day would be good. Peter, let me know of you need a sound system for next year and I'll donate mine for the day. I can provide 800 watts of power with a couple of cordless mics if you need them.
Maybe 'those' kids should have been encouraged to climb! :) 'Hey little boy, look at that really exciting rock wall' :) :)
Doesn't have to be animals. Some face painting, a few free balloons and maybe an area with some toys or colouring... why not have a reptile colouring comp for the kiddies and supply some coloured pencils?
As a parent of young kids I am often disappointed that people who organise events fail to consider that children do not have 5 hours concentration spans.
Call me a bogan if you wish, but I think that taking families into account is not such a big thing to ask.
Not all the accesories were overprices .. I got a glass enclosure for $80. It would normally retail over $100.
Not specifically refering to you Magpie, but I also think some people forget that the world does not revolve around children. Some things are just not designed for childrens entertainment, and often there's enough work involved in organising an event without spending extra time specifically to keep peoples children amused. Its not a creche, its a herp event!

Maybe in the herp shows case a few little things could have been done to assist in keeping the kids controlled, but ultimately, its up to the parents to tell them to stand there, look and don't touch. If one intends spending hours and hours at an event such as that, they need to consider whether possibly having a family member or friend look after the children might be a better idea.
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