yes, it is crazy stuff, my cat disappeared one night when someone left the door to the laundry open, he came back a week later with 2 really infected abscesses and they were almost clear after two doses in his food, as opposed to a vet treated one in another cat that had a drain tube and took the full 2 weeks of antibiotic treatment to clear up.Been checking out the cuttlefish thing and that could be very promising too
Chinese use it in herbal medicine for open wounds and tropical ulcers
Concentrating on fighting any bacteria first then we'll see what happens
Thanks Cement
Done and doing most of that now
Added savlon to the honey and have stopped the betadine
Enclosure is clean warm dry and covered in my bedroom so I can check if it starts thrashing around or anything
No visible signs of infection so hopefully it will come good
Hammer was everyones suggestion but I felt it was worth a shot so giving it a go
he's gonna end up with a head like a dropped pie, but will be fine!
Horrible, poor bugger. It almost seems deliberate? I wonder if he got caught on a wire fence or a bit of sheet metal?
Just wondering why no one has thought of Luke warm salt water for sterilization the salt will act as a drying agent and dry up the cut/wound a lot quicker than betadine. I was told by my dr not to use betadine more than once on a wound as it can start to eat the good tissue. So we have no beta dine in our house and only use salt water for wounds and cuts. Savlon is supposedly the same it keeps the wound moist and to promote healing you need it to dry out. I nursed a cat with burnt paws with honey bought from the chemist and salt water I would fill a bowl and let him stand in the water, which he was happy to do as they were so bloody hot, then put the honey on did this every day for about 5 weeks and his paws healed up.
It is still drinking and a scab is slowly forming
[maybe still a bit damp in centre but edges look hard/crusty; but I'm not touching it again unless I have to]
Thats exactly what you want.