When given the right environment snakes can heal very quickly.
What is the idea behind the cuttlefish? Calcium is great for bones, not that snakes need it though, and it can also help in the absorption of certain vitamins, but again not necessary for snake.
I recommended it as I was told about it by indigenous people up Northern NSW when my son had a very infected cut. It has more in it than just calcium and I have used it successfully on many animals for many things. I thought it may be worth a try as antibiotics are hard to come buy in Bali.
"The cuttlefish has Chinese medicinal value. As recorded in the Chinese Medicinal Manual, the bone of the cuttlefish is very useful. I am introducing this to us today. Enjoy your reading!
Cuttlefish has a silvery gland inside its body to store black ink. Cuttlefish has pair of big eyes, 4 short arms and 1 long tentacle. There is a piece of bone (mainly of calcium carbonate) inside its body which is rich in phosphate salts, alkaline and elastic protein. You can find the bone is being use in Chinese medicine.
Cuttlefish bone is great for those having too much acid, frequent bleeding in the stomach, or Qi-asthenia in the stomach. For external wounds, nose bleeding or bleeding at the corner of the mouth, grind some powder from the cuttlefish bone and apply to the wound for an instant stop of bleeding. Therefore, it is best to save the bone and sun dries it for later use when you eat cuttlefish.
Ground cuttlefish bone is the best cure for gastric ulcers and
wounds. Swallowing 6g of ground cuttlefish bone before breakfast not only stops stomachache,
but also promotes the healing of wounds.
Generally, consumption of cuttlefish heals gastrointestinal ulcers."