In this case I did NOT use the cuttlefish
This was only because it refused to drink the water with cuttlefish in it
I will most definitely remembering it and trying it in future
There is a distinct possibility that Mowhawk will end up at Bali Reptile Park because they want me to train a few snakes for them to be as tame as my ones and he? is dese

rving of a nice life
Lovely snake who has now eaten four small rats
Second photo is bad one of original injury
First is 16 days later
Third shows no real difference in the photo but was taken today and there is actually a lot of new growth that doesnt show up well
Blame the photographer
Fourth shows how pretty Mowhawk is and another potential problem that should be fairly easy to fix
It had a mild RI and if you look at the top of the mouth you will see slight swelling/mis-alignment there
This could be either a result of the injury or mild Stomasis
Either way not worried about it at this stage
Will fix them as required as soon as I get it fat and healthy enough

Fed perfectly
Not aggressive in any way when I handled it briefly