male or female?

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Not so new Member
Feb 22, 2009
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i know alot of you prefer one sex over the other, but being a noob myself i was just wondering... Which is better? Is one better to handle than the other? So lets hear your pro's and con's on each sex. I'm about to buy a blonde mac but unsure of what sex to get. Thanks guys :)
Depending if you intend to breed,imo i think females are more placid,well mine anyhow.A couple of my adult males seem more jumpy than the others.My 6foot girl i cant pretty much guarantee to let a very young child handle her without even thinking about striking,but the male keeps me on my toes all the time.Every1 will have different answers thou.Its more a individual thing more than anythink.
Depending if you intend to breed,imo i think females are more placid,well mine anyhow.A couple of my adult males seem more jumpy than the others.My 6foot girl i cant pretty much guarantee to let a very young child handle her without even thinking about striking,but the male keeps me on my toes all the time.Every1 will have different answers thou.Its more a individual thing more than anythink.

My bigger bredi and coastals, it is the males that are the great natures, although the females are not really that bad. The three yearlings I have (MD pair and a male childrens) it is the female who has never even looked like she would bite, she even feeds in a pretty laid back way most of the time.
I've found with macs that the males tend to be a little more aggressive than females. But that may be just my own experience. We have a male and female mac and neither have ever bitten us or even tried to. But i did own a rather nasty male mac before these two. He would strike if i went anywhere near his enclosure.

Good luck :)
i dont think it matters with macs. Theyre all cranky when theyre hatchies
I asked the same question when I was going to get my python, and the general consensus was that it was the individual's temperament that was the most important factor. I was only going to get one and I wanted a calm, good handling snake. When I chose my Murray Darling I chose an extra placid one which just happened to turn out to be a male. He's a real wuss...LOL!

The only other things that I've heard that may be differences between the genders is that females generally grow larger, but not always, and males can go off their food if they are kept too cool during breeding season (May be annoying if you don't intend to breed from him.)

I hope this helps

It depends on each individual snake! I don't care what sex i get really. But girls do tend to be bigger so generally I prefer girls, but I am not phased about sex to much!
Yeah I agree that the gender isn't an issue with temperament. All 3 of my carpets are placid as each other although one of my female's is so quiet I can pat her head without her backing off. My other female won't eat puppies and my big boy is just as sooky but does prefer to explore in his direction.

With our stimmies that we use to have, the female was a bitch, the male was much better handling and enjoyed sleeping inside my shirt around my shoulders or pony tail. My female BHP was another great gal. My olives - they are both quiet. Probably fairly close in comparison with temperament although she has never bitten except at feed time he doesn't mind letting me know when I am annoying

So the sex has nothing to do with it, and all our replies are purely from personal experience. Just like PJs lacies being great examples of a lacy temperament? I don't think so :lol:
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