Man bites snake in "learning experience"

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I'll see your 6 Taipan's and raise you 1 Taipan. Totally tragic this snake died the way it did.

Kindest regards


Well played, I only really had the 5:shock:
It's more than tragic, I think that it must goes to show how twisted some people's minds really are, affected by alcohol or not, it's just aim sickening to think that he is so proud of what he has done:cry:
it's just aim sickening to think that he is so proud of what he has done:cry:

It's also sickening that the media give these morons air time, without actually pointing out native wildlife is protected. The media are just as much to blame.
When are the authorities actually going to do
something about people like this? If had tried to keep it
as a pet they would have been on to him

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When are the authorities actually going to do
something about people like this? If had tried to keep it
as a pet they would have been on to him
^^^Yet posting pictures of snakes eating domestic cats is fine according to a lot of members?? There's a hell of a lot more cat lovers out there then reptile ones, and I'm sure a lot of members here keep them. (I do not however I'm just raising a point). And if this bloke was in fact indigenous how many of you would retract your statements?... Some food for thought...
It's also sickening that the media give these morons air time, without actually pointing out native wildlife is protected. The media are just as much to blame.

I don't mind the media giving this air time, it encourages other people with the same IQ level to engage in such practices, and he's admitted he'd try it again.
Hopefully these people are removed from our gene pool in he not too distant future...
^^^Yet posting pictures of snakes eating domestic cats is fine according to a lot of members?? There's a hell of a lot more cat lovers out there then reptile ones, and I'm sure a lot of members here keep them. (I do not however I'm just raising a point). And if this bloke was in fact indigenous how many of you would retract your statements?... Some food for thought...

I could not give a hoot if he was indigenous, biting a snakes head off for no good reason is nuts.
Every indigenous elder I have met would flog the bejesus out of any of their kin for killing something in such a manner unless he was going to eat it, did he eat it?
I don't mind the media giving this air time, it encourages other people with the same IQ level to engage in such practices, and he's admitted he'd try it again.
Hopefully these people are removed from our gene pool in he not too distant future...

Exactly what I mean about the media giving it air time, too many copycat idiots. But when is any wildlife protection agencies going to step in when these stories are published? Sure doesn't seem like they do.

But when that video came to light of the teenage boys harming a baby kangaroo, that made the news and they went to court over it!

I don't like to hear about any type of native wildlife being harmed, but snakes are not given the same wildlife protection respect when the same laws 'supposedly' apply.
I could not give a hoot if he was indigenous, biting a snakes head off for no good reason is nuts.
Every indigenous elder I have met would flog the bejesus out of any of their kin for killing something in such a manner unless he was going to eat it, did he eat it?

Nah, needs garlic!


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Don't see how everyone can have such a strong opinion without even knowing the full story.

On some threads I read I would agree with you but on this occasion the key facts of the case are indisputable, nothing but nothing in my opinion given these circumstances justifies this man's actions. I also agree that the media if it was going to report this story and give this idiot publicity should have reported it in a totally different way. A journalistic approach highlighting how unnecessary and cruel he was should have been universal as well as them emphasizing how is idiotic behaviour placed a strain on an already overburdened health service.

Kindest regards

@Venomus1111 is this still how you guys do it in the desert? That was unnecessary. To the person who said what if he was indigenous I'm pretty sure he said he killed it Thais the indigenous would.
@Venomus1111 is this still how you guys do it in the desert? That was unnecessary. To the person who said what if he was indigenous I'm pretty sure he said he killed it Thais the indigenous would.

Nah in the desert we drink the blood after
On some threads I read I would agree with you but on this occasion the key facts of the case are indisputable, nothing but nothing in my opinion given these circumstances justifies this man's actions. I also agree that the media if it was going to report this story and give this idiot publicity should have reported it in a totally different way. A journalistic approach highlighting how unnecessary and cruel he was should have been universal as well as them emphasizing how is idiotic behaviour placed a strain on an already overburdened health service.

Kindest regards

No the logic behind the majority here is just silly to an extent I cannot believe. The snake was on his neighbors front lawn ( the article does not even write whether or not it was heading towards or away ), which I would say is posing a threat to his family or his neighbors family. Was the biting necessary? Of course not, he could have used a method that would cause the snake to have a quicker death but as the article says he was quite intoxicated. I would rather a human live any day over one snake. If the article was the other way round ( not a snake biting a man's head off ) with him or one of his family members getting fatally bitten people's views would be drastically different.

Would I have done the same thing? No but then again I have enough knowledge to know how to handle the situation properly without causing damage to myself or the snake. This was very a very unavoidable instance but again if you value one snakes life over a human's....well I cannot even respond.
No the logic behind the majority here is just silly to an extent I cannot believe. The snake was on his neighbors front lawn ( the article does not even write whether or not it was heading towards or away ), which I would say is posing a threat to his family or his neighbors family. Was the biting necessary? Of course not, he could have used a method that would cause the snake to have a quicker death but as the article says he was quite intoxicated. I would rather a human live any day over one snake. If the article was the other way round ( not a snake biting a man's head off ) with him or one of his family members getting fatally bitten people's views would be drastically different.

Would I have done the same thing? No but then again I have enough knowledge to know how to handle the situation properly without causing damage to myself or the snake. This was very a very unavoidable instance but again if you value one snakes life over a human's....well I cannot even respond.

Think we will have to agree to disagree on this one.

Kindest regards

No the logic behind the majority here is just silly to an extent I cannot believe. The snake was on his neighbors front lawn ( the article does not even write whether or not it was heading towards or away ), which I would say is posing a threat to his family or his neighbors family. Was the biting necessary? Of course not, he could have used a method that would cause the snake to have a quicker death but as the article says he was quite intoxicated. I would rather a human live any day over one snake. If the article was the other way round ( not a snake biting a man's head off ) with him or one of his family members getting fatally bitten people's views would be drastically different.

Would I have done the same thing? No but then again I have enough knowledge to know how to handle the situation properly without causing damage to myself or the snake. This was very a very unavoidable instance but again if you value one snakes life over a human's....well I cannot even respond.

If he had the skills to safely pick it up and bite its head off then he could have easily relocated it without the need to kill it.
I love how the article also neglects to mention that a snakes brain can stay alive for an hour up to death after decapitation....I hope it reflex bit all the way down this throat.
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