thanks, but i browsed through a few of the threads when lookin up paradox albino and it still didn't EXPLAIN what it is.
it just asks if they are worth more, or if they exist in this breed bla bla.
i just wanted to know what it is exactly? ..the other threads say that they didn't find the hatchlings had any sign of paradox thats about it.
sooo are they born with the black or do they develope the black markings later in life??
and what causes it?
There is no furniture in the enclosure - he's in a plastic click-clack with a white ceramic water bowl and a piece of white paper towel.
No children with black texta's - I only give my kids green texta's. Just kidding - I dont have any kids... or texta's.
I'm not sure if he's had the markings from birth - I dont think so? I remember seeing a few funny scales when I got him - but they were almost the same colour as the rest of them. He's shedded recently and they look much stronger in colour, and there are lots more of them.
One other thing - he still has his juvie albino colours - pink & yellow. He's only just started changing to the white & yellow colour of an adult Albino.... slowly! He's only 9 months old.
Is it possible the markings are appearing because he's shedding or changing to his adult colour?
That's just the white paint flaking off>>> next the pink contacts will fall out. lol... Waiting for the next shed would seem like an eternity, however a fresh skin will show any pigmentation to it's fullest...