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Woah.. where did you get him from? That is the sort of tristis I love. If you'd rather not say publicly can you please PM me with where you got him from? Am looking for tristis and I want the dark ones.

unfortunatly when i purchased him i was in perth and i had to sell them all to move back to brisbane, so if your after dark ones you will have to pay WA's exorbitant prices then pay a further calm "export fee" 180 bucks then AAE transport (3-4kg will be around 130 bucks)

phil i tryed to add you on facebook to talk varanids
hey buddy nice Monitors, after watching Lizard Kings tonight I can't wait to get my hand some ASAP.
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Nobody else in Australia has them?

Sorry mate I make a point not to add 'strangers' on Facebook ;)
Nobody else in Australia has them?

Sorry mate I make a point not to add 'strangers' on Facebook ;)

all good ill pm you, the wa tristis i think (could be wrong) are not widely held outside WA as not many people are willing to pay 450 per animal then pay 180 calm royalty then 120-140 in freight, possibly check with danny brown as i know he is a collector in every sence of the word so it would not surprise me if he shipped afew WA locales in

the large dark ones are of course the southern WA varietys, i was going to get some back but something unfortunate happened to the person who got my trio
Hey Guys,

this is a great thread,

there are some southern WA black tristis floating around but the only breeder of them i know currently has a 2 season list. Danny has some very nice WA tristis however he does not keep the southern blacks. over the next few days i will try and take some pics of my varanids to post.

Here are some old pictures of some of my varanids until i get some new ones.

Northern Territory Varanus scalaris

Gulf Country Varanus scalaris (pellewensis form) adult female

The same animal doing a good job at hiding the fact she was full of 8 eggs

Hatchling Kuranda form Varanus scalaris (similis?)

Adult Varanus storri ocreatus (western Qld form)

Varanus storri storri (charters towers form) getting it on

Adult male Varanus kingorum

Adult female Varanus acanthurus

clearly not the best quality of pics.
do you have any sandys for sale by any chance or maybe even no a breeder you can put us onto? cheers
Nice Richard, I've been looking for a female bells for ages with no luck. Couple more to keep the thread going

oh my goodness you have a kimberly rock monitor ? wow definatly my fav monitor how much did he cost, absolutly beautiful!