So is there a difference between a Goanna and lace monitor? Or is lace monitor just a more politically correct name?
Hi Kathy, I just saw your other thread with that little rescued lacie in there and wanted to say good on you for taking care of it.
I was just wondering though, as you said you haven't disturbed it, are you sure it's alive? Does it open its eyes when you enter the room or move etc?
Also, what is the temperature in that enclosure?
beautiful lacies! wish there were more of those floating around hereAnother clutch hatched this week so I took some quick shots as I moved them from the incubator into an enclosure.
They're not quite the demons everyone makes them out to be. If you've ever been to a picnic ground that has foraging lace monitors, these guys are similarly behaved - just many times larger! You wouldn't want to do something suddenly, like trip and fall over in front of one, but otherwise for the most part they are just mildly curious. As one goes further away from the ranger stations the dragons often become warier and are more frightened and annoyed than anything else. At first, when seen from a distance, they duck their head down (as a lace monitor would) in the hopes they haven't been seen, but when you get close they puff up their throat and slowly walk away or, in some instances, hold their ground and try to tail-whip if you get too close. Some just look bored by yet more tourists wanting to take their photo. The scariest moment we had was when one of my mates accidentally dropped his backpack while we were photographing a couple of huge males outside the ranger station on Komodo. One of the dragons raced over at surprising speed, thinking it was food. My mates and I muttered "nobody move a muscle" and waited until the dragon calmed down out of 'food brain' mode.I am presuming you had a good zoom lens on your camera because who would be silly to lay on the ground in front of one of them.
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