My Bredli is starting to settle in nicely.

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Jun 2, 2012
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This is Monty my Bredli

When I got him he was a bit psyco?........ actually more scared and defensive really, but after a couple of months of regular handling and attention, he is starting to settle down very nicely

At first I used to get him out of his enclosure using a snake hook, I have since given this idea the flick, and just grab him by hand, occasionally he will tag me, but there's really not that much in his bites, when when I first got him, and he was really snappy, he never actually latched on, he would just strike and immediately let go, draws a tiny amount of blood, but you can hardly feel it, looks way worse than it actually is.

Now when I get him out he is a bit cranky for the first 3-5 minutes and then he really settles down and hardly bites or strikes at all, however he doesn't like passers by making any sudden movements or sharp loud noises.

Any how? he has settled in and become part of the family (To my wife's horror and disgust), my kids love him and are now confident enough to handle him too, I just have to watch out they don't kill him with kindness.

I have been keeping a log of his handling and behavior, his feeds, sheds and growth.

I have become well and truly addicted to keeping pythons and when the wife is not looking, I might just have to add another snake or 10 to my collection.

Here's a few photos, I hope you like them.

Monty when I first got him


In his enclosure ready to shake my hand?


Does anybody else's snake eat its lunch backwards?


When the wife's away, Monty gets to explore the house, Shhhh don't tell!


My daughter Rosie loves him, quite the little Herp?


My son Zack will be 4 in September, he just loves this snake and bugs me all the time to get him out, neither of the kids have ever been bitten by him, Only I have......What's the go with that???
(Dunno why, but for some reason this photo is upright on photobucket and sideways on here, oh well it's a nice photo, even if it is sideways?)


Close up, Montys colors are stunning, just a Classic Bredli.


He will bury himself in the couch if you let him and could pop up anywhere?, cheeky bugger!


Cruising around out on the lawn



Last one for now


I am about to start making him a new enclosure, I have been checking out the DIY threads on here, I will post some pics when it done.

Story of my life lol. my wife's not too keen on my bredli either. Mine shows exactly the same behavior, he's really not keen when my kids run up and make fast movements, he goes into an S and strikes at them. Noodle (my bredli's name) loves exploring the house too.

Monty looks like a really lovely snake.

Great pics. Keep it up
Great snake and great photographs, your son looks so pleased, in that picture, it made me smile. I find it so rewarding when the effort you put in with a snake yields great results like this. I firmly believe with snakes you get out what you put in. The trouble with some people is they do not persevere and before they know it that little Carpet is at a size where if it bites its going to hurt, and so the vicious circle begins of less and less handling and more and more aggression.

Kindest regards

Very nice mate, i have a bredli also and im virtually the only one who handles her my wife is too scared haha. She hasnt bitten me yet but thats only because im too carefull with her, i still hook her out of her enclosure and if shes in a bad mood i generally leave her alone. But once she is out and about she settles right down and is a lovely snake. I love the colours you get with bredlis, beautiful pythons!
Gorgeous!! How old is Monty?

Oh & to answer your question about why the kids havent been bitten while u have.......i bet u are not as cute as they are!! :p ;)
Monty will be three years old in January, I got him of a friend who just didn't have the time to put in on him, he was breed by the Snake Ranch and was brought by my mate as a hatchy in 2010, great snake!
feeding bredli

Gday hillbilly mate I'm only new to this aswell but from what I have read your python eats his food backwards cos the food item is too small can anyone else clarify this please great looking python mate my bredli only 6 months old they are such a great snake my kids love to handle him everyday aswell
be careful letting him bury himself into the lounge , ive heard of a few storys of pythons finding tiny hole in lounges and deciding its a good spot to chill out for a while and not come back out , just a heads up , i just make sure i can always see my guys head and dont let them go to close to gaps
Don't stress thomasssss I keep him on a pretty short lead! and the couch is pretty robust, I think he'd sooner get out of his enclosure?.....And that's even more unlikely?.......But thanks for the tip, I'll keep it in mind.....;)
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hahaha eating backwards! Mine started to one day....realised...hey something is wrong, I can taste rat ******* on my tastebuds...spat it out and started eating head first lol!
Nice bredli tho, vibrant colours
very nice photos, im so excited that me and my miss go pick our pair up in a few hours :) cheers for sharing
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