My click clack

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Active Member
Mar 9, 2009
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hey all
finished making my click clack today, not that there is much to them haha.
Im not gonna be using a heat mat with my click clack ill be popping it into the enclosure dead smack in the middle between the thermostat and the heat lights, does this sound ok to you guys?? my warm end is at around 28-29 degrees and the cool end around 25-26 degrees.. my hatchling is gonna be a diamond by the way.....

please reply with your thoughts
thanks tom
I have a UVB globe in the enclosure, but i was just wondering if anyone else does this insted of using a heat mat?

Should be perfectly fine as long as your getting your desired temps with the right gradient.
i have a similar set up, i have 1 heat light in the centre of my big enclosure and a small cage on either side of it. just be cautious it isn't dead centre other wise there isn't much of a cool end if the click clack thing isn't that big. that's the only drama i had. just watch the cool end temps that's all :) working well for my two
hey mate... yea im doin the same wif my 6mth old childreni.... just popped the 10litre tub in the enclosure, been working fine... here's a few pics


i also put a 2cm thick styrofoam under the tub cuz it retains heat in the tub

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