Mystery Illness

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Not so new Member
Nov 10, 2008
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Northside Sydney
Not sure if anyone can be of any help... But we just had a very sad death of our young Diamond python....

About 5 weeks ago he started refusing food. We werent too worried (i have kept pythons for a while and know that sometimes this happens)
Turns out he was close to shedding, so i figured i would wait till after he shed and did a poo to try again.
After that he still refused food.
We noticed after the shed/poo that he had a bit of poo still stuck on his clacoa. So thought he might be constipated so gave him a few warm baths to try and coax some more toilet time and kept trying to feed him. But no love.

After 4 weeks without feeding got a bit more worried and sought pro help. But they could not see anything wrong and suggested heating up his enclosure more. We tried it. But i am sure that had no effect as he was feeding happily for weeks previously and the enclosure has an appropriate heat gradient from like 32 - 24.

Anyways after 5 weeks he still seemed fine and active and then one afternoon he was just dead.

Had an autopsy and there was nothing visibly wrong and he was not underweight.

Completely confused.

Any ideas. I just hope we had not done anything wrong.
sometimes things just die explanation it just happens did the right thing by your snake you sort help and so nothing more you couldve done .sorry for your loss it sux but dont rack your brain out trying to work out why if your happy with your husbandry skills.
he exact same thing happened to my female darwin but i only had her for 2 months and she was eating like crazy acording to the previous owner but wouldnt eat with me then just died
i had one that went the same way to this day never worked what went worng and it had amazing colours it was very young ( 8 months ) so it was a great loss to us
Sometimes we can do everything possible to ensure an animal's health and well being and they can still drop dead for no apparent reason, such is the way of nature. Could have been possible dehydration, maybe something genetic or just not being strong enough to survive.

Either way good on you for for doing all you could for the little diamond, am sorry for your loss.
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