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whats a hemophiliac im guessing it means your scared of reptiles

---------- Post added 26-Dec-10 at 05:39 PM ----------

guys i cant persuade my mum to let me get a snake any tips or ideas to help shes letting my brother get a beardie but im not aloud a snake
No point beating around the bush with Anteresias,a yearling Scrub would be great,also you will learn quickly..Minus the teeth marks in your arm..I cant imagine ANY breeders will let you hold a snake before you purchase..They all feel the same,as long as it looks nice,species ur after,can afford it..Everything else should fall into place..Hope you have a escape proof enclosure,as alot of newbies dont realise the size of holes etc that some snakes get out off...
Any,there all the same(basically) depends on what colour-pattern you like,also how much your prepared to pay..Coastals-Darwins-MD-Diamonds-Port Macs-SW Carpet.Its ur decision,so look at photos etc to determine which species you like,then go from there.We can all throw our thoughts at you,BUT its your decision...
well im still trying to persuade her but i asked her if there was any way i could change her mind and i think shes just gonna make me do tonnes of jobs for her and never be a smartass and stuff like that
well im still trying to persuade her but i asked her if there was any way i could change her mind and i think shes just gonna make me do tonnes of jobs for her and never be a smartass and stuff like that

My mum was originally like that. She hated the idea of me getting one, but a year of persuasion and gentle annoying really paid off, and I know have a spotted python :D
All I can say is Just keep begging pathetically :D
Barish both my snakes are very quite during the day and come to life at around 5ish in the evening which may be because we get home around them and they are welcoming us home. They love it when we cook dinner the smells get them exited. But with that said some days they are out and about for a while Stimson's Python is definitly more active all round than my Woma but that is just a personality thing our big boy is just lazy at times.
oh cool well onestly i think i wanna start off with some abit smaller so yeh ill probs get a woma
Go the Woma, either way you will be happy they are both great snakes........enjoy:)
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