Need Help with a stubborn spotted

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Not so new Member
Nov 3, 2008
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hey Guys
First post adn am looking forward to reading the information...

My newest members of my reptile collection are a pair of spotted pythons.
i got mine at the start of the year and am happy with my female as she never turns down a feed and has never bitten me. But my male is only 1 ft long compared to my female which is just over 2 ft long. the male is a grumpy little snake each time i walk in my room he is ready to attack me.

just wondering if anyone knows what i could do to try and get him to be nice to me??

Thanks, Michael
We had the same thing with one of our spotteds so we upped his food and now hes a puppy dog

I am assuming all your temps are correct (30-32 at worm end and ambient at cool) and there is plenty of hides, If this is all good then i would give him 2 of appropriate food and see if he settles down

OOH and welcome to APS
My female has had an extended period of being extremely snappy and possibly stressed. at first i thought it was a fridge vibrating that was located close by but eventually i found it to be the 2 x60watt purple night lights elements vibrating. they only vibrate when facing down and have heated up, as i have tested them several times looking for a cause. I have since switched to ceramics and she has settled down.
Are they in the same enclosure?
ill try upping the food size and ill put a few more hides in the cage. also ill change 2 a ceramic heater and hope.
thanks again. :D
ill get bak to you soon
ohh soryy nah both are in a seperate tank both 2 foot the female is in a glass reptile 1 tank and the male is in a fish tank.. im gettin the melmine tanks for all my reptiles apart from the turtles..
Good move getting the timber models michael, can i suggest you get the males one first and quickly, you may find once you achieve your desired temps that he will settle down dramatically.
yea ok im gettin them 4 xmas so im looking forward to them just a question do you have a uv light on spotteds i was told not 2 but im not 2 sure??
yea ok im gettin them 4 xmas so im looking forward to them just a question do you have a uv light on spotteds i was told not 2 but im not 2 sure??

We have a spotted that's now just turning 5 yo and she doesn't have uv and either do our carpet pythons. The only one that might need it, are Diamonds:D
On cool nights try putting a towel over the tanks to help them from cooling to much:)

ps I hope Santa comes soon:lol:
Thanks ill give it a go tonight. iv noticed he has been hungary latly so im goin to upsize his food from fuzzie mice to hopper mice. im hoping he calms down cause he just isnt a pet. like all my opther reptiels (except turtles) are all nice and hand tame but this male spotty is just a lil creature who likes to bite :(
how old is he???
i have an 11month spotted that is nearly 70cm now (measured him last night)
..coz hes a lot bigger then 12inches.. hes also eatting velvet rats :S

he calmed down once he had a growth spurt too, he was evil b4 hand so i upped his food and now once i hook him out hes fine (still a lil cage protective though)

maybe hes hungry?? jasta used to attack me when he was hungry (hence up'd his food)
yea i upsized his food last nyte to hopper mice from fuzzies he readily accepted the food and was looking for more is it dangerous 2 give him 2 hopper mice every 3 days??
Just feed him 2 fuzzies every 6 days, No dont feed him every 3 days

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