Needing help to identify a snake lurking around my garden...please!!

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Looking at your user name and post count.
Im very impressed about they way you have handled this.

Most people would kill it and ask questions later.
You have taken the time to research the internet, found a reptile forum and asked.

Fantastic efferot, wish there were more around like you.

p.s. Now stock your fish pond :D

I love the flashes of light blue between the scales on green tree snakes :D
To all my new SNAKE LOVING friends I say a big “THANK YOU”

Up until a few hours ago, I had no idea this site existed! However, whilst searching the net for pictures to help me solve my snake mystery, I stumbled across APS (see, I'm already using the abbreviation!) and how lucky I was. I can’t believe how happy you all were to help me, even with my – idontlikesnakes - user name!!

I have an appreciation of all living things but snakes just make me feel a little scared and unsure...sorry!

I am so happy it is not going to hurt me or my family, thank you so much for putting my mind at ease.

I can’t believe they love my pond and fish and have added a photo so you can all see the haven Mr Green Snake has here at my abode!. I actually found a fish head on my board walk the other day and blamed the damn birds, I must apologise to them tomorrow morning!! We started with 10 gold fish and they just breed and breed and have at least 50 now...does this mean I am going to have an empty pond and a BIG FAT snake????

Why are there so many creepy crawlies up here in Queensland, I swear I am living in the wrong place. Snakes, toads, beetles the size of my house, spiders, cockroaches, massive grass hoppers, crickets, mozzies, is endless. Urgh...

Don’t panic, I’m not going to kill him but if there is anyone around the North Brisbane area who would like him at their place, feel free to come and collect.

Before this experience of APS, I would definitely have said, “I hope I don't have to speak with you again anytime soon" but after chatting with you all, I wish I liked snakes, bugs and creepy crawlies people are great!

Once again, thanks so much. I will stay registered but probably won’t be able to help or join in on many conversations, ha ha.

It’s been a great experience talking with you all. Be happy, enjoy your friends and continue being helpful to those of us who don’t like snakes, because we’re not all bad!!


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Looking at your user name and post count.
Im very impressed about they way you have handled this.

Most people would kill it and ask questions later.
You have taken the time to research the internet, found a reptile forum and asked.

Fantastic efferot, wish there were more around like you.

p.s. Now stock your fish pond :D

Thanks for your kind words Andy.
alot of us would love to be in your shoes, you are so lucky.... you never know after watching him for a while you may get to like snakes.

good on you for not trying to kill him...

I don't know about liking him Danni as I almost have a heart attack every time I see him! It takes me and the kids an extra 15 minutes to get to the car these days, because I check ever step I take!!

But no, I wont kill him :D
I actually found a fish head on my board walk the other day and blamed the damn birds, I must apologise to them tomorrow morning!!

Snakes don't have chewing teeth and hence don't leave bits behind. Quite unlikely that a bird would do so either. I'd be leaning towards a mammal, probably a cat, but could be something else.

p.s. I've never seen a fat tree snake no matter how good the pond life. ;)
Snakes don't have chewing teeth and hence don't leave bits behind. Quite unlikely that a bird would do so either. I'd be leaning towards a mammal, probably a cat, but could be something else.

p.s. I've never seen a fat tree snake no matter how good the pond life. ;)

Hmmm...that makes sense Nagraj!! Sorry for my ignorance but as my user name suggests, I'm not really into snakes!! However, I have learnt much from speaking with you guys and have really enjoyed the chat! Thanks for your wisdom! Damn Cats!!
You have created an awesome haven for all the animals that you don't like mate. ;) If I were a reptile, or "creepy crawly".. I'd want to live in your garden too.

If you leave him be, he won't hurt you. He may let out a bit of a smell if you pass too close.. but he will more than likely bolt away from you as soon as you got too close.

Wish there were more snake haters like you around. ;)
have to chuckle at your user name, bet theres not many on this site like that.

No Renagade, I'm assuming I am few and far between on this site but having said that, I am so thankful that none of you have been nasty to me but have all been so, so helpful despite the fact that snakes are scary to me!! Great people you snake lovers!
Yeah definately a Green Tree Snake. . . they're awesome little fellas. . .but they release a smell which is close to what rotten eggs smell like. . . just don't annoy them too much lol

But these guys are harmless. . . it's good that you didn't kill him either :)

Welcome to APS too.

Thanks for your welcome message "Trouble", not sure I will be much help to people on this site though!! But...I've enjoyed talking to you all and have greatly appreciated your help.
You have created an awesome haven for all the animals that you don't like mate. ;) If I were a reptile, or "creepy crawly".. I'd want to live in your garden too.

If you leave him be, he won't hurt you. He may let out a bit of a smell if you pass too close.. but he will more than likely bolt away from you as soon as you got too close.

Wish there were more snake haters like you around. ;) not a creepy crawly and i would love to live in your garden!! lol :)

there are quite a few people who relocate snakes up your way too idontlikesnakes if you dont want it around.. GTS's are gorgeous snakes...
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