new beardie poo issue

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The only thing with your lights is the infared. Beardies love it light n bright & are a lot more active with just a normal 100W spotlight. U can just get the ones from bunnings, or buy the petstore ones. I'd experiment with that, even though the red light's giving u the temps u need, it's not giving u the extra sun effect, + it's not off-setting the uv ray output.
Give him a couple of days of getting used to any changes u make, & until he settles right in, just keep handling to a minimum.
Let us know how he goes!:)
Hey.. In regard to ur uv,you should have a 10.0 not a 5.0..beardies need 10.0 as it's stronger an will provide more UVA/UVB should also be full 7 months same age as mine their still growing ad def need all the help they can get..I personally think a mix of crix and salad is good..I'm not sure how urs is goin but mine only eat select fruits n veggies,so try a variety of things and find he likes and dosent like..mine like pak choy and carrot so Also make sure he can get up close to the uv,as for feeding it really would be good to feed him twice a day maybe lunchtime and then when u get home, u should always have salad offered so if he does get hungry or still hungry he can munch on that... Correct me if I'm wrong but by the sounds of it u got him for a family pet for the kids?.. I'm all for teaching kids bout reps n having em as pets but please take care of him as he needs otherwise it's just not fair..good luck!
good news, he did a pooh last night after a bath, but i don't think it looked normal.part of it was quite runny and almost also smelt foul although my nose could have been too close! Now i have a good fecal sample i can take to the vet, which i hope comes back clear.i have read coccidiosis count can go up due to relocation anxiety. this afternoon i will pick up a 100w spot light like lollypop suggested and try that. as for my UV it is full spectrum reptiglo not reptisun as i said earlier, and Sofoula88 i will change this to a 10UVA/UVB but that will have to wait until next week. i will also change to the tube insead of the coil this will give me two ceramic fittings so i can run two heat for day and one for night. For the moment though i will just switch over globes.thankyou all for your very helpful advice i will let you know how he's going with these changes.
The test results

Sorry for taking awhile to reply, have been very busy. Unfortunately i cant provide a picture of the enclosure at the moment our camera got broken on holidays in tasmania, but i have spoken to some experienced and reputable breeders and our set-up is satisfactory. the only changes I have made is relocate the thermostat so the air temp can reach 33 at the hot end and 30at the cool end and he has been basking well. This is important especially since i have a sick beardie. The diagnosis from the vet has come back and it is treatable. He has two parasites coccidia and a worm(cant remember type) and he has been prescribed two types of antibiotics. We also need to keep him well hydrated. These parasites showed large counts meaning that he already had them before we got him. I called the previous owner (who is not a breeder) to let him know his other beardies may have them as well. Apparently the coccidia can be caused by a diet high in woodies and I know for a fact this is what he had been fed, also due to his reaction to them (he would run for them) so no more woodies busta!!!!! so for now it is just crickets and leafy greens. He is not in the clear yet but I am confident he will get there, i will surely let everyone know how he goes. I would like to thank everybody for their help and concern and I hope this can help anybody who may be facing a similar situation.
I know this thread is finished but i would just like to say my beardie is doing quite well. he is now pooing every 2nd to 3rd day they are firming up and dont smell tooo bad. He is eating well still (i was concerned he might go off his food) and is much more lively..thanx.
After being worried about my little girl being impacted, I've been feeding her quite a bit and she's been taking it.
On top of that, I've been bathing her in water mixed with olive oil and drinking it. This has a natural laxative effect.
The last 3 days I've had her out, she's pooed on my bed.. I also fed her a little liquid paraffin last weekend to get the ball rolling a little.

Of course, this should be done with care and probably only under the direction of a vet..
OMG another poo obsessive thread!!! What's with this bathing of bearded dragons, especially in water with olive oil, or liquid paraffin??? Was there a problem, or did you do it as a precautionary measure? Anything fed as a laxative can end up causing malnutrition because it doesn't allow the food to stay in the gut long enough for absorption of all nutrients. Is there ANYONE here who knows that reptile physiology is quite different to mammal physiology? Reptiles fed a healthy diet will crap when they are ready, it doesn't have to be every day - it can be every week if that particular animal is programmed that way.

thanx for the link, it is very informative.i have been trying to feed alot of different vegies but so far my beardie only takes food from the every day menu. so just goes to show that he knows what he should be eating.
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