Agree with Jaimie, if the thermostat fails you'll cook your snake, a 100w is fine on a good thermostat.
I had a similar sized enclosure and used a 100W CHE, as long as basking spot temp is good, then the snake can choose between warm and cool ends.
I've got an adult MD, he's probably a few inches over 6 foot and is about 7 now, I got him when he was 3-4yo, so he's grown a little bit, and bulked out a bit as well.
He's not a huge feeder though, and I probably feed every 2-3 weeks on average.
Your enclosure is fine for now, but for an adult I'd upgrade to at least a 4 foot for floor space, that's just a personal thing though, does your snake use more floor space than height? Thats a good indicator too, my guy does like to climb, but loves to stretch out as well, that's why I made (converted) his current enclosure.
enclosure pic (he has the big part, the smaller right hand side is for my rsp)

Can't help with your bearded dragon, but if all other signs are good, he/she is probably just slowing down for winter.
I don't take my animals to the vets unless they need it, I don't do yearly check ups. Again, a personal thing but for snakes, I don't see why they would need it anyway, if you own hundreds of them (thinking big breeders) then that's a massive vets bill.
I had a similar sized enclosure and used a 100W CHE, as long as basking spot temp is good, then the snake can choose between warm and cool ends.
I've got an adult MD, he's probably a few inches over 6 foot and is about 7 now, I got him when he was 3-4yo, so he's grown a little bit, and bulked out a bit as well.
He's not a huge feeder though, and I probably feed every 2-3 weeks on average.
Your enclosure is fine for now, but for an adult I'd upgrade to at least a 4 foot for floor space, that's just a personal thing though, does your snake use more floor space than height? Thats a good indicator too, my guy does like to climb, but loves to stretch out as well, that's why I made (converted) his current enclosure.
enclosure pic (he has the big part, the smaller right hand side is for my rsp)

Can't help with your bearded dragon, but if all other signs are good, he/she is probably just slowing down for winter.
I don't take my animals to the vets unless they need it, I don't do yearly check ups. Again, a personal thing but for snakes, I don't see why they would need it anyway, if you own hundreds of them (thinking big breeders) then that's a massive vets bill.