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Active Member
May 10, 2009
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Bunbury WA
hi everybody, i posted a thread about my new south west coastal python before but now i have another question....
she is 3 and a half months old and very placid, i know that her temperature in her enclosure is correct.
we have fed her on the 11th of may and she ate without a problem. however when i tried to feed her about 7 days afterwards, she wasnt that interested and after persevering for awhile i gave up and put her back into her tank. she shed that night (which might explain her lack of appetite). it was a perfect shed, it all came off no problems, and she also did a good poo but ever since then she has been in her hide (which she hasnt used once in the two weeks we have had her). so i tried to feed her again tonight ( i had to get her out of her hide) as its been three days since i attempted to feed her last, but she wasnt even slightly interested....

so im wondering, is it normal for pythons to go off their food after a shed? is there maybe another reason she wont eat? she seems happy enough...
and also what do i do with the mice she hasnt eaten? i have thrown them out, but if it happens again, am i able to refreeze them and use them the next feed???
all advice is appreciated as i am very new to this and really want to do a good job at looking after her :?
Dont Refreeze food, just throw them out,same as you wouldn't refreeze food for yourself.
Snake sometimes hide after shedding while the new outer skin hardens.
could be the cold my childrens done the same cept she hasnt shed
could be the cold my childrens done the same cept she hasnt shed
yes well we just had an extreme change with our weather here, its gone from being beautifull and mild to stormy and freezing!! so do snakes just know when its winter?? do they eat less when its cold? and should i push her temp up in the tank ( its 33 at the warm end)? and when should i try feed her again?
yea i was told they no when its winter and to try feeding every 2-3 weeks my temps are 38 at the hot end
oh k, well i suppose it must be an instinct thing... might push her temp up a little bit, if she gets too hot she will move. i cant get over how stunning she looks now that she has had a shed!! and she seems happy enough, although she was very defensive tonight and a bit snappy when i put her back in her tank after trying to feed her... which isnt like her. but she has settled down now, maybe she was a bit stressed out??
You can't re-freeze the food, but you can leave it with her overnight. Sometimes they get shy and won't eat while you are anxiously watching. Just leave her in the enclosure for feeding. If she doesn't come out of the hide after the mouse, lay it near the entrance, put a towel over the cage and leave her alone. If it doesn't work, chuck the mouse and try again in a few days.
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